Home » Admission » Application » Scholarship Form APPLICATION FOR SCHOLARSHIP Applying for SemesterIntersessionFirst SemesterSecond Semester Date of Birth Age Place of Birth Email Address Where does the applicant plan to reside while attending LST?With family/relativeWith own communityRent spaceOwn house Financial Informationseminarian, religious, clericlay singlelay married Do you have income?YesNo Other sources of financial support Grant sought at LST50% T&F75% T&F100% T&FTuition onlyFees onlyOther History and Projection of Program of Study: Projected load for each remaining sem (indicate if thesis) Upload applicant signature file in jpg or bmp format max 1.5 MB. Scanned image must fit 1"(h) x 3"(w). Upload Scholarship Requirements: Formal Letter of Request by applicant for financial aid, addressed to Fr. President. Please indicate (a) any circumstances that pertain to your financial situation that may be important for assessing your need for financial aid and (b) your plans for ministry upon completion of your studies at LST. (for seminarian, religious, cleric) Letter of Endorsement from bishop or superior for application for financial aid (for non-seminarian, non-religious, non-cleric) Income Tax Return (ITR) of persons on whom applicant depends for financial support (self, family, others) (for continuing LST student) Unofficial record of all available grades in LST courses