Home » Course Announcements » Sem I AY 2023-2024 Masters Courses (MA)

Sem I AY 2023-2024 Masters Courses (MA)

Aug 7, 2023

  • TMP 200 Series: MA, Masters Courses
Auxiliary Courses
TMP 296 (A) Comprehensive Exams
TMP 299.1 (A) Thesis Writing I
TMP 299.2 (A) Thesis Writing II
TMP 296.1 (A) Thesis Proposal Defense (Masteral)
TMP 299.4 (A) Oral Defense (Masteral)
TMP 292.05
Research Writing and Methods for Theology
Section A (M.C.Gonzalez, Pojol, Abais, O.Dy) Tu, 2:00-4:50pm
(Takes the place of TMP 292.03 and TMP 292.04)
TMP 296.2
Comprehensive Exam Review for MA
Section A (Aquino) W, 2:00-4:50pm
Propaedeutic Courses
TMP 221.05
Introduction to the Mystery of Faith
Section A (Budi) Tu, 9:00-11:50am
TMP 211.04
Introduction to the Old Testament
Section A (Catan) W, 8:00-10:30am
BPM 104
Basics of Christian Spirituality
Section A (Baltazar) M, 2:00-4:50pm
Language Courses
TMP 295.11
Biblical Hebrew I
Section A (Ramirez) Tu Th, 3:30-4:50pm
TMP 295.130
Biblical Hebrew III
Section A (Ramirez)
Schedule to be arranged by Professor with students
TMP 295.21
Biblical Greek I
Section A (Repole) MWF, 8:00-8:50am
TMP 295.23
Biblical Greek III
Section A (Repole)
Schedule to be arranged by Professor with students
TMP 295.31
Latin I
Section A (Mananzan) TuThF, 8:00-8:50am
TMP 295.33
Latin III
Section A (Mananzan) Th, 9:00-11:50am
TMP 295.41
German I
Section A (Locker) WF, 2:00-3:15pm
TMP 295.51
Italian I
Section A (Abais) WF, 2:00-3:15pm
TMP 295.71
Spanish I
Section A (Mananzan) WF, 2:00-3:15pm
Foundation Courses
TMP 201
Section A (Aquino) W F, 9:00-10:15am
Section B (Yap) W F, 9:00-10:15am
TMP 202
Fundamental Moral Theology
Section A (Genilo) F, 10:35-11:50am
Section B (Babor) F, 10:35-11:50am
TMP 203
Christian Worship
Section A (Diwa) Tu, 9:00-11:50am
TMP 204
Section A (M.Francisco) Tu Th, 10:35-11:50am
Section B (Aquino) Tu Th, 10:35-11:50am
Biblical Theology
TMP 211.10
Pentateuchal Studies
Section A (Ramirez) M, 9:00-11:50am
Section B (Teh) M, 9:00-11:50am
TMP 211.81
Psalms and Wisdom Literature
Section A (F.Alvarez) Tu, 2:00-4:50pm
Section B (Dirgaprimawan) Tu, 2:00-4:50pm
TMP 212.20
Synoptics Tu, 9:00-11:50am
Section A (Alvarez) M, 10:35-11:50am / Tu, 9:00-10:15am
Section B (Schneider) (Full Online)
TMP 213
Biblical Hermeneutics and Research Methods
Section A (Ramirez) Tu Th, 2:00-3:15pm
Systematic-Sacramental Theology
TMP 221.11
God One and Triune
Section A (Yap) T Th, 9:00-10:15am
Section B (Rebustillo) M, 10:35-11:50am / T, 9:00-10:15am
TMP 221.34
Soteriology and Mariology
Section A (M.Francisco) M W, 9:00-10:15am
Section B (Rebustillo) M W, 9:00-10:15am
TMP 222.08
Themes Related to Evangelization: Theology of Ecology
Section A (Fung) Tu, 2:00-4:50pm
TMP 223.05
Sacraments of Vocation
Section A (O.Dy) Tu Th, 10:35-11:50am
Section B (Fajardo) Tu Th, 10:35-11:50am
TMP 222.0
Inculturation of Theology in the Philippines
Section A (Marfori) W, 2:00-4:50pm
TMP 226.03
Introducing Theologies of Migration
Section A (E.de Guzman) W, 2:00-4:50pm
Moral Theology
TMP 232.04
Special Moral Theology II: Christian Social Ethics
Section A (Genilo) W F, 9:00-10:15am
Section B (Babor) W F, 9:00-10:15pm
TMP 232.03
Themes Related to Moral Theology I: Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church
Section A (Puen) Tu, 2:00-4:50pm
TMP 232.17
Migration in Catholic Social Teaching
Section A (Rebustillo) Tu, 2:00-4:50pm


Pastoral Theology and Allied Disciplines
a) Canon Law
TMP 241.03
Canon Law I
Section A (Mananzan) F, 9:00-11:50am
Section B (Rosalinda) F, 9:00-11:50am
TMP 241
Canon Law III
Section A (Mananzan) Tu, 9:00-11:50am
Section B (Rosalinda) Tu, 9:00-11:50am
b) Church History
TMP 248.03
Church History I: First to Thirteenth Centuries
Section A (Javellana) Th, 9:00-11:50am
Section B (Flores) Th, 9:00-11:50am
TMP 248.04
Church History II: Fourteenth Century to the Present
Section A (Navarro) Th, 2:00-4:50pm
Section B (Flores) Th, 2:00-4:50pm
c) Spirituality
TMP 255.05
(Mysticism) Mystics and Crisis: An Historical Perspective
Section A (C.Valdes) F, 2:00-4:50pm
TMP 256.05
Discernment and Spiritual Direction
Section A (Quilongquilong/Baltazar) Tu, 2:00-4:50pm
TMP 257.05
Spirituality of Ecology
Section A (C.Valdes) W, 2:00-4:50pm

MA students specializing in the field of Spirituality may also take courses in Moral Theology and Pastoral Psychology and Counseling.

The following summer spirituality courses (TMP 258.03 to TMP 258.06) are offered by LST in cooperation with the Center for Ignatian Spirituality (CIS). After completing the module, the student may enroll the course at LST for credit during a subsequent semester. The student must present to the LST Vice President for Academic Affairs a certificate or proof of attendance, signed by the CIS Director. During the semester of enrollment, the CIS Director or his/her delegate prescribes the requirements for the credit course in terms of book reports, research papers, etc. Please check the course descriptions for the prerequisites of the courses and contact the CIS for other details: www.cisphil.org; Tel. 8426-4250 to 51; cisphil@gmail.com

TMP 258.03 Foundations for Directed Retreat
TMP 258.04 Fundamentals of Directed Retreat-Giving
TMP 258.05 Supervised Retreat-Giving Experience
TMP 258.06 Giving the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius

The following courses on religious formation are offered by LST in cooperation with the Emmaus Center for Psycho-Spiritual Formation. Contact the Emmaus Center for information on fees for attending the module. Standard LST audit or credit tuition fees also apply. Tel: 928-6040, 8426-6001 local 4875; emmausphil@yahoo.com

TMP 259.03 Fundamentals of Human and Christian Formation
TMP 259.04 Growing in Religious Vows
TMP 259.06 Basic Concepts in Psycho-Sexual Formation
TMP 259.07 Formative Processing Skills
d) Pastoral Psychology and Counseling
TMP 267
Pastoral Psychology and Counseling
Section A (L.Lopez) Tu, 1:30-4:20pm
Section B (T.Gonzales) Tu, 2:00-4:50pm
Section C (Gavino/Ascalon) Th, 5:30-8:30pm (online only)
TMP 269
Assessment and Initial Intervention of Individual and Relationship Disorders
Section A (Siy/Arboleda) W, 5:00-8:00pm
Co-requisite or Prerequisite: TMP 267
TMP 268.03
Marital/Premarital Dynamics and Counseling: Psycho-Spiritual Approach
Section A (Macabuag/Sanchez) M, 5:30-8:30pm
Co-requisite or Prerequisite: TMP 267
TMP 268
Family Dynamics and Counseling Approaches
Section A (Lumiqued) W, 5:30-8:30pm (in person)
Section B (Siy/Arboleda) Tu, 5:30- 8:30pm (online only)
Co-requisite or Prerequisite: TMP 267
TMP 267.07
Pastoral Group Process
Section A (Lumiqued) W, 1:30-4:30pm
Co-requisite or Prerequisite: TMP 267
Maximum: 12 students
e) Religious Education and Catechetics
f) Pastoral Leadership and Management
TMP 251.07 Effective Parish Group Organizing
Section A (Cagantas) M, 2:00-4:50pm
TMP 222.11 Church and Mission: Animation as a Paradigm for Youth Ministry
Section A (Vallabaraj) W, 2:00-4:50pm  (hybrid)
g) Pastoral Managmenet and Homiletics
TMP 251
Introduction to Pastoral Methods
Section A (Eusebio) W, 2:00-4:50pm

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Home » Course Announcements » Sem I AY 2023-2024 Masters Courses (MA)