Home » Course Announcements » Sem I AY 2024-2025 Doctor of Ministry (DMin) Courses

Sem I AY 2024-2025 Doctor of Ministry (DMin) Courses

Jun 17, 2024

Theo 300 Series: STL, STD, DMin, PhD Courses

In courses which are generally open for enrollment to STB and MA students as well as to STL, STD, DMin, or PhD students, professors are to require additional and advanced  scholarly work commensurate to the levels of study of the latter group of students.  This may take the form of some substantial reading and theological writing normally  expected of licentiate and doctorate students.

.*Electives in the MA, STL, DMin, and PhD programs are those courses which do not belong to one’s chosen field of concentration.

Auxiliary Courses
TMP 396 (A) Comprehensive Examination
TMP 399.1 (A) Dissertation Writing I
TMP 399.2 (A) Dissertation Writing II
TMP 399.18 (A) Dissertation Proposal Defense
TMP 399.4 (A) Dissertation Defense
TMP 392.05 Research Writing and Methods for Theology
Section A (M.C.Gonzalez, Pojol, Abais, O.Dy) Th, 2:00-4:50pm
(Takes the place of TMP 392.03 and TMP 392.04)
Propaedeutic Courses
TMP 395.91
Expository Writing and Research Methods I
Section A (Regalia) M Th, 2:00-3:15pm (Filipino students)
Section B (Regalia) M Th, 3:30-4:50pm (International students)
Language Courses (For Enrollment at LST Only)
TMP 395.11
Biblical Hebrew I
Section A (Ramirez) Th, 2:00-4:50pm
TMP 395.13
Biblical Hebrew III
Section A (Ramirez)
Schedule to be arranged by Professor with students
TMP 395.21
Biblical Greek I
Section A (Repole) MWF, 8:00-8:50pm
TMP 395.23
Biblical Greek III
Section A (Repole)
Schedule to be arranged by Professor with students
TMP 395.31
Latin I
Section A (Mananzan) Tu Th F, 8:00-8:50am
TMP 395.33
Latin III
Section A (Mananzan) Th, 9:00-11:50am
TMP 395.41
German I
Section A (Locker) W, 2:00-4:50pm
TMP 395.51
Italian I
Section A (Abais) W, 2:00-4:50pm
TMP 395.71
Spanish I
Section A (Marfori) W, 2:00-4:50pm
Core Courses
TMP 306
Research Methodology in Ministry
Section A (G.Lopez) Tu, 2:00-4:50pm
TMP 307
Ethics in Pastoral Care and Ministry
Section A (Fung) F, 2:00-4:50pm
Apprenticeship Courses
TMP 342.03
Apprenticeship for Ministry I
Section A
Schedule to be arranged with prospective Professor
TMP 342.04
Apprenticeship for Ministry II
Section A
Schedule to be arranged with prospective Professor

Religious Education
Bridge Course
(none offered this semester)
DMin Proper
TMP 311.12 Exegesis: Pentateuch
Section A (Rathinam) M, 9:00-11:50am
Section B (Teh) M, 9:00-11:50am
TMP 311.32 Exegesis: Prophets. The Songs of the Suffering Servant from the Prophet Isaiah
Section A (Rathinam) Fri, 2:00-4:50pm
(Prerequisite: TMP 211.30 Prophets of Israel)
TMP 311.81 Psalms and Wisdom Literature
Section A (F. Alvarez) Tu, 2:00-4:50pm
Section B (Dirgaprimawan) Tu, 2:00-4:50pm
TMP312.23 Exegesis: Synoptics
Section A (F. Alvarez) M, 10:35-11:50am / Tu, 9:00-10:15am
TMP 312.07 Exegesis: Book of Revelation
Section A (Locker) M, 2:00-4:50pm
Faith and Culture: Examining Karl Rahner’s Theology of Religions.
Its Meaning and Implication in the Asian Context
Section A (Agualada) Tue, 2:00-4:50pm
TMP 332 Christian Morality and Moral Education: Christian Environmental Ethics
Section A (Knox) M, 900-11:50am
Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Care
Bridge Courses
TMP 267 Pastoral Psychology and Counseling
Section A (L.Lopez) Tu, 1:30-4:10pm
Section B (T.Gonzales-M.Bartolome) Tu, 2:00-4:50pm
TMP 269 Assessment and Initial Intervention of Individual and Relationship Disorders
Section A (Villasor/Rondain) M, 1:30-4:30pm (Hybrid)
Co-requisite or Prerequisite: TMP 267
TMP 268.03 Marital/Premarital Dynamics and Counseling: A Psycho-Spiritual Approach
Section A (Macabuag/Sanchez) Tu, 5:00-8:00pm (Hybrid)
Co-requisite or Pre-requisite: TMP 267
TMP 268 Family Dynamics and Counseling Approaches
Section B (Siy/Arboleda) W, 5:30-8:30pm (Hybrid)
Co-requisite or Prerequisite: TMP 26
TMP 267.07 Pastoral Group Process
Section A (Lumiqued) W, 1:30-4:30pm (online only)
Co-requisite or Prerequisite: TMP 267
Maximum: 12 students
DMin Proper
(see VPAA for course requests)
Spirituality and Retreat Direction
Bridge Courses
The following summer spirituality courses (TMP 258.03 to TMP 258.06) are offered by LST in cooperation with the Center for Ignatian Spirituality (CIS). After completing the module, the student may enroll the course at LST for credit during a subsequent semester. The student must present to the LST Vice President for Academic Affairs a certificate or proof of attendance, signed by the CIS Director. During the semester of enrollment, the CIS Director or his/her delegate prescribes the requirements for the credit course in terms of book reports, research papers, etc. Please check the course descriptions for the pre-requisites of the courses and contact the CIS for other details: www.cisphil.org; Tel. 8426-4250 to 51; cisphil@gmail.com
TMP 258.03 Foundations for Directed Retreat
TMP 258.04 Fundamentals of Directed Retreat-Giving
TMP 258.05 Supervised Retreat-Giving Experience
TMP 258.06 Giving the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
DMin Proper
TMP 355 History of Spirituality
Section A (C. Valdes) F, 2:00-4:50pm

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Home » Course Announcements » Sem I AY 2024-2025 Doctor of Ministry (DMin) Courses