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Course Announcements: Current

Sem I AY 2024-2025 Doctor of Ministry (DMin) Courses

GRADUATE CIVIL DEGREE DOCTOR OF MINISTRY COURSES Theo 300 Series: STL, STD, DMin, PhD Courses In courses which are generally open for enrollment to STB and MA students as well as to STL, STD, DMin, or PhD students, professors are to require additional and advanced ...

Sem 1 AY 2024-2025 Licentiate (STL) and Doctorate Courses (STD, PhD)

GRADUATE DEGREES LICENTIATE AND DOCTORATE COURSES TMP 300 Series: STL, STD, PhD In courses which are generally open for enrollment to STB and MA students as well as to STL, STD, DMin, or PhD students, professors are to require additional and advanced scholarly work...

Sem I AY 2024-2025 Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology (STB)

  (All courses are 3-unit courses unless indicated otherwise.)   Auxiliary Courses TMP 292.05 Research Writing and Methods for Theology Section A (M.C.Gonzalez, Pojol, Abais, O.Dy) Tu, 2:00-4:50pm (Takes the place of TMP 292.03 and TMP 292.04)  ...

Intersession AY 2024-2025

Advisement of Intersession AY 2024-2025 courses in LST-ISIS begins on June 5, 2024. Online Enlistment begins on May 29, 2024, 9:00am onwards. TMP 211.04/BPM 102 Introduction to the Old Testament Ramirez (Tu Th - 8:00-11:50am) Gana Room Hybrid Classes BPM 103 Overview...

Sem II AY 2023-2024 Licentiate and Doctorate Courses

Theo 300 Series: STL, STD, PhD In courses which are generally open for enrollment to STB and MA students as well as to STL, STD, DMin, or PhD students, professors are to require additional and advanced scholarly work commensurate to the levels of study of the latter...

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