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Conversation on Asian Theologies and Culture 11062022

Nov 6, 2022

The First Vietnamese Catechism of Fr. Alexandre de Rhodes S.J. (17th cent.) and Its Lessons for the Inculturation of Theology Today

18 November 2022 (Friday)
10:30 am – 12:00 nn

Oratory of St. Ignatius of Loyola
Loyola House of Studies
Ateneo de Manila University


Though at first glance the first catechism in Vietnamese seems obsolete both in its approach, form (question and answer) and theology, a careful reading in depth could excavate great treasures for an inculturated theology today in Vietnam. Its usage of formulas, stories and similes could at first invoke repulsive feelings for today’s readers, but in truth those express legitimate concern for sound doctrine, religious interiority, and inculturation. Those could also be very helpful suggestions for theologians who wish their theology to be “on-trend” with popular Vietnamese mentality today.

About the Speaker

Born on May 02, 1972, Fr. Tinh entered the Society of Jesus in 1995 and was ordained to the priesthood in 2007. He obtained his Doctorate in Theology degree (STD) from the Pontifical Gregorian University in 2009. He has been teaching dogmatic theology courses at St. Joseph Jesuit Scholasticate and the Catholic Institute of Vietnam in Ho Chi Minh City and in several major seminaries and theology centers in Vietnam. He has been a member of the Committee on Doctrine and Faith of the Conference of Bishops of Vietnam since 2010, consultor of the Jesuit Vietnamese Province since 2010, formation delegate since 2016, and a member of the Office of Theological Concerns of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (OTC-FABC) since 2020.

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