Home » Articles & Documentation » Scholarship Grant for Consecrated Women and Lay in the Masters, DMin and PhD Programs

Scholarship Grant for Consecrated Women and Lay in the Masters, DMin and PhD Programs

Oct 10, 2023

A. Prospective recipients are lay and religious sisters who have been accepted to LST’s civil degree Master of Arts, Master, Doctor of Philosophy in Theology and Doctor of Ministry Programs.

B. The grant covers only 50% or 100% of tuition and other fees during the period of course work and excludes semesters of Thesis or Dissertation Writing and Defense. If approved, it should be applied for/renewed every semester one month before first day of LST Enrollment by accomplishing the LST Application Form for Scholarship.

C. Those admitted to a degree program but whose scholarship application have not been approved for the current academic year due to full scholarship quota may avail of the grant in the succeeding year as priority recipients.

D. Recipients should be enrolled every semester with a load of 12 to 15 units (4-5 courses). One may enroll with an overload of 15 units if given permission by the Loyola Schools Associate Dean for Graduate Programs. Recipients may opt to enroll as well in course work during the Intersession under the grant, pending the availability of courses.

E. If needed by LST, recipients may be required to render 18 hours of service at LST during the semester under the general supervision of the Assistant to the President.

F. In order to maintain the scholarship, recipients (1) should not receive a mark of B (Average), C (Passing, earns no credit) or F (Failure) and (2) should maintain an average semestral mark of B+ or Above Average.

G. How to Apply

Fill up the online LST Scholarship Application Form: https://lst.edu/admission/application/scholarship-form/

1. Prospective recipients should follow the procedures in the LST-AdMU Website and meet the required deadlines. Click here.

2. The results of the application to the (a) graduate program and (b) scholarship grant will be communicated to the applicant by email by the Director of the Theology and Ministry Program (LST’s Vice President for Academic Affairs, vpacademic@lst.edu).

For inquiries, email admin@lst.edu.

Home » Articles & Documentation » Scholarship Grant for Consecrated Women and Lay in the Masters, DMin and PhD Programs


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