Jaime Cardinal L. Sin, D.D., "Carving Out the 'Asian Face' of Christ: Challenge to a New Ecclesiastical Faculty," Landas 13/2 (1999): 100-105. Address delivered by His Eminence Jaime Cardinal L. Sin, Archbishop of Manila, on the official declaration of Loyola School...
Some Thoughts on Filipino Theology (C. Arevalo, SJ)
What might be called “Filipino theology”? What were and are its concerns? What is its reality? Whither is it now bound? I. Perhaps we can begin this way: By common agreement, I think, more than any other single event in the past century of the history of Christianity,...
“Why This Waste?” (D. Huang, SJ)
Some Reflections on the “Worthwhileness” of Theology “Why this waste?” the disciples asked when a woman poured expensive ointment on the Lord’s head on the eve of his passion. “It could have been sold for much and the money given to the poor” (Mt. 26: 8-9). Why this...
Pastoral Implications of BECs (R.A. Ocampo, SJ)
In exploring the pastoral implications of basic ecclesial communities (BECs) in the Philippine Church today, I take as point of departure the section from PCP II's Acts entitled, "Basic Ecclesial Communities: An Expression of Renewal". Belonging to Part II: A Church...
PCP-II Ecclesiology (A. Moreno, SJ)
An ongoing study and reflection on the ecclesiology of the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines (PCP II) is an important task in charting the course of renewal which the Philippine Church should undertake. And if in fact PCP II is a "new Pentecost" for the local...
Spirituality in PCP-II (T. Green, SJ)
It has been said that the camel is an animal designed by a committee. By accommodating everyone's taste you end up with an ungainly, improbable type of beast. In the case of the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines (PCP II), which was in session from January 20th...
Catechesis in the Spirit of PCP-II (J. Roche, SJ)
The Second Plenary Council of the Philippines constituted a national, ecclesial response to the need for New Evangelization, one that will revitalize the Faith of Catholic Filipinos and renew the Catholic Church in the Philippines. In his homily delivered at the...
Ecumenism in PCP-II (P. de Achutegui, SJ)
A one-sentence decree and two out of 671 numbers of the final document issued by the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines (PCP II), form the bulk of the Council's explicit and positive statements in the area of ecumenism. Eleven more numbers in the...
PCP-II: A Brief Account (P. de Achutegui, SJ)
What may easily turn out to be the greatest 20th century ecclesial event in the Philippines unfolded from January 20 to February 17, 1991: the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines (PCP-II for short). It did not attract the multitudes whom the apostolic...