LST Alumni Homecoming Oratory of St Ignatius Loyola, 15th November 2017 Roberto C Yap, SJ My brothers and sisters, today we come home to LST. We return home to our school. The etymology of the word, ‘school,’ from the Latin schola has various meanings: “intermission...
Proceedings of the International Theological Symposium “Leading and Serving Through Theology” held on March 10-11, 2016 with His Eminence Giuseppe Cardinal Versaldi, D.D.
Click here to access the proceedings published in Landas, The Journal of Loyola School of Theology. For the photos of the event, click here. On the occasion of its Golden Jubilee Year, Loyola School of Theology and the Theology and Ministry Program of the School of...
Valedictory Address of Sr. Gladys Q. Manuel, FDZ STB Class Valedictorian of 2017 Summa cum laude
Homily of Msgr. Jerome Cruz, Vicar General of the Diocese of Caloocan at the Baccalaureate Mass held on May 10, 2017
Homily of Msgr. Jerome Cruz, Vicar General of the Diocese of Caloocan at the Baccalaureate Mass held on May 10, 2017
Address of Ambassador Howard Q. Dee at LST’s Commencement Exercises
Address of former Ambassador Howard Q. Dee Chairman, Assisi Development Foundation. at LST's Commencement Exercises on May 10, 2017, Singson Hall, Ateneo de Manila University
Downloadable Materials; International Theological Symposium: FRONTIERS, DIALOGUE AND DISCERNMENT IN ASIAN CONTEXTS
FRONTIERS, DIALOGUE AND DISCERNMENT IN ASIAN CONTEXTS International Symposium of the Loyola School of Theology March 16, 2017, 8:30am-5:00pm Leong Hall Auditorium, Ateneo de Manila University Session 1: COMMUNICATIONS: Information Technology and Social Media...
Homily of His Eminence Luis Antonio G. Cardinal Tagle at the Closing Mass of the LHS-LST Jubilee Celebration on September 11, 2016
Homily of His Eminence Luis Antonio G. Cardinal Tagle Closing Mass of the LHS-LST Jubilee Celebration September 11, 2016 My Brothers and sisters in Christ, it is good to be here. It is good to join our Loyola House of Studies and Loyola School of Theology communities...
FAQs about Fasting and Abstinence (R. Mananzan, SJ & PhJesuits.Org)
1.) According to canon law, what is required of Catholics this Lent? The penitential days of Lent are precisely from Ash Wednesday to midday of Holy Saturday. The Roman Catholic Church’s teaching on Lent is expressedly mentioned in Canon 1250 of the 1983 Code. And...
“Revelation to the Childlike”: Homily of Most Rev. Pablo Virgilio “Ambo” David, D.D. at the Mass of the Holy Spirit
REVELATION TO THE CHILDLIKE Most Rev. Bishop Pablo Virgilio "Ambo" David, D.D. Mass of the Holy Spirit, August 24, 2016 "I give you praise, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the clever and the learned, you have revealed...