Rev. Fr. Antonio Moreno, S.J., Rev. Fr. Gerard Francisco P. Timoner, III, O.P., members of the LST Board of Trustees, LST administration, faculty, staff, students and alumni, benefactors, superiors of religious communities, distinguished guests, my dear graduates of...
Commencement Address of Fr. Gerard Francisco P. Timoner III, OP
Commencement Address of Fr. Gerard Francisco P. Timoner III, O.P. Prior Provincial of the Dominican Province of the Philippines Vice Chancellor of the University of Santo Tomas Very Rev. Fr. Antonio Moreno, SJ, Provincial Superior and Vice Chancellor Rev. Fr. Jose...
Homily of Fr. Francis Efren Zabala, OMI at LST’s Celebration of Christmas
Thanks, first of all, to Fr. Joe Quilongquilong for inviting us here. In his letter to us, he wrote: “This will … be an opportune time for the LST Community to join the Oblates of Mary Immaculate in gratitude and praise to God as you commemorate 75 years of OMI...
The Quality of Mercy: Pope Francis’ Vision for Today’s Culture (Michael Paul Gallagher SJ)
The title of this talk, “The Quality of Mercy”, comes from one of the most famous of Shakespeare speeches, lines that perhaps many of us learned off by heart at school. And in this year when the fourth centenary of Shakespeare’s birth is being celebrated, as a kind of...
Homily of Fr. Rogel Abais SJ at LST’s Celebration of the Solemnity of St. Ignatius of Loyola
Lk 9,18-26; Dt 30,15-20; 1Tm 1,12-17 We heard from the readings proclaimed, Jesus’ invitation “if any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me”. Moses in setting forth the commandments of the Lord for his chosen...
Homily of Fr. Antonio F. Moreno SJ at LST’s Mass of the Holy Spirit
“Come, Holy Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.” I welcome you all to this new academic year. I wish to convey a special word of welcome to the new students, the new faculty and staff of Loyola School of Theology (LST). We are now at the threshold of the Golden...
Preface to the Festschrift in Honor of Fr. Joseph Smith SJ (J. Yocum)
Landas, Journal of Loyola School of Theology, Vol. 20 (2006): v-xii. Digital copies of Fr. Smith's articles are available here. This issue of Landas is dedicated to the work of one of its most illustrious contributors, Father Joseph J. Smith, SJ. Father Smith is...
Address of Pope Francis to the Pontifical Gregorian University, Pontifical Biblical Institute and Pontifical Oriental Institute Consortium
Dear Cardinals, Venerable brothers in the Episcopate and in the Priesthood, My dear brothers and sisters, I welcome all of you, professors, students, and staff of the Pontifical Gregorian University, of the Pontifical Biblical Institute, and of the Pontifical Oriental...
Valedictory Address of Rev. Neupito Saicon SJ, STB Class Valedictorian of 2014
Fr. Antonio Moreno, Vice-Chancellor of Loyola School of Theology, Fr. Jose Quilongquilong, President, Fr. Enrico Eusebio, Dean, Mr. Antonio Meloto, our honored guest, esteemed professors, members of the administration and staff, batchmates, friends, ladies and...