Readings: (1) Deuteronomy 30:15-20; (2) Psalm 1; (3) Philippians 3:8-14; (4) Luke 9:18-26 In his letter of congratulations that was read during my investiture as LST President, Father Adolfo Nicolas, Superior General of the Society of Jesus and Chancellor of Loyola...
Identity, Lifestyle, Mission: Inaugural Address of Fr. Jose V.C. Quilongquilong SJ as 9th LST President
Address of Rev. Fr. Jose V.C. Quilongquilong, S.J., S.T.D. on the Occasion of His Installation as the 9th President of Loyola School of Theology (LST) 05 July 2013, Oratory of St. Ignatius of Loyola Most Rev. Honesto Ongtioco (Bishop of Cubao), Rev. Fr. Antonio...
Letter of Fr. Adolfo Nicolas SJ, Superior General, to Fr. Jose Quilongquilong SJ on his Inauguration as LST President
2 July 2013 Fr. Jose Quilongquilong, S.J. President, Loyola School of Theology P.O. Box 240, UP Post Office 1144 Quezon City Philippines Dear Fr. Joe, P.C. As Chancellor of Loyola School of Theology, I am happy to congratulate and encourage you on the day of...
Teaching Moral Theology According to PCP II (G. Healy, SJ)
The Council presents us all with a vision for the renewal of the Church, the whole Church in the Philippines: "This is our vision. That all may have life. We shall have to create a free nation: where human dignity and solidarity are respected and promoted; where moral...
Theology Today: Perspectives, Principles and Criteria (International Theological Commission)
INTERNATIONAL THEOLOGICAL COMMISSION THEOLOGY TODAY: PERSPECTIVES, PRINCIPLES AND CRITERIA (2011) CONTENTS Introduction Chapter 1: Listening to the Word of God 1: The primacy of the Word of God 2: Faith, the response to God’s Word 3: Theology, the understanding of...
Speech of Rev. Chester A. Yacub SJ, STB Class Valedictorian of 2013
Good morning to all of you! Good morning, Fr. Jose Ramon Villarin, S.J., President of the Ateneo de Manila University and our commencement speaker today; Fr. Jose Mario Francisco, S.J., LST President; Fr. Dean Enrico Eusebio, S.J.; faculty, administration and staff....
The Word Exposed: Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle and Fr. Nono Alfonso SJ on the RH Bill
Watch Cardinal Chito Tagle and Fr. Nono Alfonso, S.J. discuss the RH Bill in "The Word Exposed", a production of the Jesuit Communications Foundation, the Communications Apostolate of the Society of Jesus in the Philippines. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6...
Some Thoughts on Filipino Theology (C.G. Arevalo SJ)
What might be called “Filipino theology”? What were and are its concerns? What is its reality? Whither is it now bound? I. Perhaps we can begin this way: By common agreement, I think, more than any other single event in the past century of the history of Christianity,...
The Competence and Role of the Church in Political Matters (PCP II)
The following are excerpts from the Acts and Decrees of the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines (1992), nos. 330-353. 8. The Church and the Political Community 330 Our times have seen significant political activities and changes regarding which the Church has...