The Theology and Ministry Program of the School of Humanities invites you to the online oral defense of the M.A. Thesis entitled “Ecclesia Semper Reformanda: An Expository Analysis of Synodality in the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines and the Movements...
M.A. Thesis Defense of ALDO MIGUEL CONSTANTINO M. BONIFACIO (Philippines) on May 11, 2023
The Theology and Ministry Program of the School of Humanities invites you to the oral defense of the M.A. Thesis entitled “PRACTICING SYNODALITY: A Way Using the 12-Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and Walter Brueggemann's Prophetic Imagination” by ALDO MIGUEL...
M.A. Thesis Defense of FRANCIS A. LAJOLA, I.H.F. (Philippines) on May 16, 2023
The Theology and Ministry Program of the School of Humanities invites you to the online oral defense of the M.A. Thesis entitled “THE EUCHARIST AND THE VIA CARITATIS IN POPE FRANCIS’ AMORIS LAETITIA: Forming a Spirituality for the Contemporary Filipino Family” by...
M.A. Thesis Defense of Fr. ALOYSIOUS LUBEGA, S.J. (Uganda) on May 4, 2023
The Theology and Ministry Program of the School of Humanities invites you to the online oral defense of the M.A. Thesis entitled “CAPITALISM AND CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING IN DIALOGUE: Exploring the Challenges and Possibilities” by Fr.ALOYSIOUS LUBEGA, S.J. on 4 May...
S.T.L. Tesina Defense of Fr. DEXTER M. PRUDENCIANO, R.C.J. (Philippines) on April 25, 2023
The Loyola School of Theology invites you to the oral defense of the S.T.L. Tesina entitled "The Challenging Demand of Jesus in Mk 10:17-31" by Fr. DEXTER M. PRUDENCIANO, R.C.J. on 25 April 2023, Tuesday, 2:00 p.m, at DLC 307, 3/F Dela Costa Bldg., LST. The Board of...
S.T.L. Tesina Defense of Fr. DIOGO ROGER D’SOUZA, S.F.X. (India) on April 10, 2023
The Loyola School of Theology invites you to the oral defense of the S.T.L. Tesina entitled "Paul's Conversion Experience and His Post-Conversion View of and Relationship with Judaism" by Fr. DIOGO ROGER D'SOUZA, S.F.X. on April 10, 2023, Monday, 2:00 p.m, at DLC 201,...
S.T.L Tesina Defense of Sr. TRAN THI HOAI AN, O.P. (Vietnam) on March 22, 2023
The Loyola School of Theology invites you to the online oral defense of the S.T.L. Tesina entitled "Renewal of Vietnamese Catholic Youth Evangelization in light of Evangelii Gaudium and Christus Vivit" by Sr. TRAN THI HOAI AN, O.P. on March 22, 2023, Wednesday,...
S.T.L. Tesina Defense of Fr. YUN HONGMIN, B.M.C. (Korea) on March 27, 2023
The Loyola School of Theology invites you to the oral defense of the S.T.L. Tesina entitled "A Theological Study of Contemporary Martyrdom Through the Lens of Hans Urs Von Balthasar's Christology" by Fr. YUN HONGMIN, B.M.C. on March 27, 2023, Monday, 10:00 a.m. at DLC...
M.A. Thesis Defense of KENJIE I. CORTEZ (Philippines) on April 4, 2023
The Theology and Ministry Program of the School of Humanities invites you to the oral defense of the (bridging) M.A. Thesis entitled “PCP II’S VISION OF A CHURCH OF THE POOR: A Church in Communion'” by KENJIE I. CORTEZ (Philippines) on April 4, 2023, Tuesday, 3:00...