The Office of the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs is now accepting applications to the Doctor of Ministry to be offered by the Theology and Ministry Program (TMP), Loyola School of Theology (LST) in the First Semester of School Year 2016-2017. Interested...
New Licentiate Program at LST: STL in Spirituality and Leadership
Loyola School of Theology is pleased to announce its new Licentiate in Sacred Theology program with a field of specialization in Spirituality and Leadership. This new program is a joint endeavor of LST and East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI). Students admitted to...
Second Semester Reminders from LST and Classroom Assignments
The Second Semester opens on January 18, Monday. Download Classroom Assignments from here. Regular classes will be held at LST from January 18 and for the duration of the International Eucharistic Congress (IEC) in Cebu. Only 35 students will attend the IEC....
“LST: Leading and Serving Through Theology” (audio-visual presentation)
On the occasion of its Golden Jubilee celebration, Loyola School of Theology, in cooperation with Jesuit Communications, has released a short audio-visual presentation entitled, "LST: Leading and Serving Through Theology". According to the annals of LST, "On 12 July...
LST-EAPI Master’s Degree Program in Pastoral Leadership and Management
The Master of Arts, major in Pastoral Ministry (Pastoral Management) of the School of Humanities of Ateneo de Manila University was approved by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) of the Republic of the Philippines on July 18, 1996. This civil degree program...
St. John Vianney Theological Seminary to Affiliate with Loyola School of Theology
On July 13, 2015, the officials of St. John Vianney Theological Seminary (SJVTS, Cagayan de Oro City) and Loyola School of Theology (LST, Quezon City) signed a Memorandum of Agreement known as...
Readjustment of the Second Quarter AdMU and LST Schedule
For the complete text of the Memo of the Vice President for the Loyola Schools, please click here to visit the Ateneo Website. 23-28 NOVEMBER 2020: Synchronous classes/activities are still suspended. Asynchronous activities resume. 01-23 DECEMBER 2020: Synchronous...
Transfer of Student Visa Processing from Registrar’s Office to Office of International Relations
DATE: February 12, 2015 MEMO TO: Office of the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Office of Admission and Aid Loyola School of Theology FROM: Joaquin Julian B. Agtarap Registrar SUBJECT: Turn-Over...