Loyola School of Theology will observe the University Holiday on January 23, 2023 (Monday) declared by the Ateneo de Manila President, Fr. Roberto Yap SJ. Classes and offices will resume operations on January 24, 2023 (Tuesday). file: Memo # U2223-046
New Consultor of the Congregation for Catholic Education
Loyola School of Theology is pleased to announce the appointment of its former President, Fr. Jose V.C. Quilongquilong SJ, by Pope Francis as Consultor of the Congregation for Catholic Education for a term of five (5) years. Congratulations, Fr. Joe!
Diploma in Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults AY 2022-2023
Loyola School of Theology and Catholic Safeguarding Institute is offering Diploma in Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults for AY 2022-2023. A 17-week intensive program for those who share in the mission of promoting a culture of safety in our communities,...
Appointment of LST Officials 03252022
MEMO 25 March 2022 Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord To: The LST Community I am pleased to inform the community that I have appointed the following members of the Faculty to various positions for a term of two (2) years: Adviser LST Student Council Dr. Joaquin...
Second Term of Fr. Enrico Cada Eusebio SJ as LST President
In a decree dated 15 February 2022, the Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education, Most Rev. Giuseppe Cardinal Versaldi, D.D., has confirmed the appointment of Fr. Enrico C. Eusebio Jr., S.J., to a second three-year term of office as President of the...
TO : LST FACULTY AND STUDENTS FROM : VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS RE : LIMITED IN-PERSON CLASSES DATE : 4 FEBRUARY 2022 Greetings of peace! This is to inform the LST community that we will be proceeding with the projected Limited In-Person Classes starting...
STL Tesina Oral Defense of Fr. HOANG BA QUOC HUY (Vietnam)
The Loyola School of Theology invites you to the online oral defense of the STL Tesina entitled "God as a Loving and Merciful Parent in Hosea 11:1-11" by Fr. HOANG BA QUOC HUY on 26 January 2022 (Wednesday) at 3:00 pm. The Board of Examiners is composed of Fr. Felipe...
AY 2021-2022 Second Semester Adjustments
Greetings of hope from LST as we begin a new year! We are continuously challenged as a community to respond to our rapidly changing circumstances. The recent surge in COVID19 cases has affected many of our families and communities. Thus we have to adjust our academic...
Resumption of In-Person Classes in LST in the Second Semester AY 2021-2022
LST will resume in-person classes with a hybrid learning set-up beginning 24 January 2022. The initial pilot group will consist of First to Fourth Year students enrolled the ecclesiastical Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology Program (STB). The decision was reached in...