The Loyola School of Theology invites you to the online oral defense of the STL Tesina entitled "The Pursuit of Holiness in the Context of Myanmar Today" by Fr. NYI NYI HTUN on 15 December 2021 (Wednesday) at 10:00 am. The Board of Examiners is composed of Fr. Hartono...
DMin Dissertation Oral Defense of Fr. JERIN CHANDY, C.M.I. (India) on December 1, 2021
The Theology and Ministry Program of the School of Humanities invites you to the online oral defense of the DMin Dissertation entitled "WOMBCAT: A Unique Spiritual Pregnancy Companion for Catholic Families” by Fr. JERIN CHANDY, C.M.I. on 1 December 2021, Wednesday,...
Conversations on Asian Theologies and Culture
with Fr. Rogel Anecito L. Abais, S.J. Collective Identity in Suffering: A Narrative Study of Exodus 1-18 with Insights on the Filipino’s Search for Identity Conversations is a theologico-cultural online Asian “coffee or tea room” where students and faculty can...
M.A. Thesis Defense of EDRYLLE C. DAYRIT (Philippines) on December 2, 2021
The Theology and Ministry Program of the School of Humanities invites you to the online oral defense of the M.A. Thesis entitled “A CULTURE OF ENCOUNTER: An Integration of Pope Francis’ Vision of Integral Evangelization and Youth Evangelization in Christus Vivit with...
M.A. Thesis Defense of PAUL RICHARD G. DY (Philippines) on November 23, 2021
The Theology and Ministry Program of the School of Humanities invites you to the online oral defense of the M.A. Thesis entitled “Conversation, Accompaniment, Discernment, Co-Navigation, and Co-Creation as a Process of Program Development for Evangelization in Liceo...
Course Offering: Diploma in Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults
Loyola School of Theology and Catholic Safeguarding Institute are pleased to announce the initial offering of Diploma in Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Course Offering in the Second Semester Academic Year 2021-2022 January 17 - May 28, 2022 The Diploma...
Online Course Offering: Salvation in Film in Africa
Academic Year 2021-2022 / Second Semester 28 January to 27 May 2022 Fridays from 1:00pm to 4:00pm SALVATION IN FILM IN AFRICA With Visiting Online Professor, Fr. Peter Knox SJ Hekima University College, Nairobi In the Christian Scriptures, salvation refers to a...
Beatitudes of Creation 2021
Last September 29, 2021, LST celebrated the Season of Creation. Organized by Dr. Carmen Valdes, President of Sacred Springs of Loyola School of Theology, and assisted by the LST Student Council led by its President, Rob Rizzo S.J., the community gathered online to...
Course Offering: Personal Encounter with God in Aquinas and Buber
About the Visiting Professor Fr. Thomas Sherman S.J., a Jesuit of United States West Province (UWE), is an Associate Lecturer of Philosophy at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. Prior to his Roman mission, he taught Philosophy in Arrupe College, Harare,...