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Pastoral Theology and Allied Disciplines

TMP 241Pastoral Ministry and Canon Law
TMP 241.03Canon Law I
TMP 241.04Canon Law II
TMP 241.05Canon Law for Religious
TMP 241.06Canon Law III

Pastoral Theology and Allied Disciplines

TMP 366.07Advanced Group Process and Pastoral Counseling
Sp 93.1Family Dynamics and Counseling Approaches
TMP 268.06Explorations in Individual and Family Resilience
Sp 93.2Explorations in Individual and Family Resilience
TMP 268.04Marital/Family Counseling Practicum
Sp 94Marital/Family Counseling Practicum
TMP 268.09Family Spirituality Practicum
Sp 94.1Family Spirituality Practicum
TMP 267.07Pastoral Group Process
Sp 95Pastoral Group Process
Sp 93.3Pastoral Care for Survivors of Violence and Abuse
TMP 366Theories of Pastoral Counseling
TMP 366.03Principles of Change: Human Development and Life Cycle
TMP 366.04Principles of Supervision in Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Care
TMP 366.05Assessment, Diagnosis and Clinical Theology
TMP 366.06Pastoral Counseling with Children and Adolescents
TMP 268Family Dynamics and Counseling Approaches
TMP 231.05Family Spirituality and Sexual Ethics
Sp 62.1Family Spirituality and Sexual Ethics
TMP 267Pastoral Psychology and Counseling
Sp 89Pastoral Psychology and Counseling
TMP 267.04Pastoral Counseling Practicum
Sp 90Pastoral Counseling Practicum
TMP 268.08Special Topics in Marital and Family Counseling: Child and Adolescent Counseling
Sp 92Special Topics in Marital and Family Counseling: Child and Adolescent Counseling
TMP 269Assessment and Initial Intervention of Individual and Relationship Disorders
Sp 92.3Assessment and Initial Intervention of Individual and Relationship Disorders
TMP 268.03Marital/Premarital Dynamics and Counseling: A Psycho-Spiritual Approach
Sp 93Marital/Premarital Dynamics and Counseling: A Psycho-Spiritual Approach

Pastoral Theology and Allied Disciplines

TMP 347.04Ministry of the Word II
TMP 247Homiletics
TMP 247.03Ministry of the Word I
TMP 247.04Ministry of the Word II
TMP 258.06Giving the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
TMP 358.06Giving the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
TMP 259Dynamics of a Christian Vocation, Priestly and Religious Commitment
TMP 359Dynamics of a Christian Vocation, Priestly and Religious Commitment
TMP 259.03Fundamentals of Human and Christian Formation
TMP 259.04Growing in Religious Vows
TMP 259.05Assessment Skills in Formation
TMP 259.06Basic Concepts in Psycho-Sexual Formation
TMP 258Giving Retreats
TMP 259.07Formative Processing Skills
TMP 358Giving Retreats
TMP 257.03Development in the Spiritual Life
TMP 258.03Foundations for Directed Retreat
TMP 357.03Development in the Spiritual Life
TMP 358.03Foundations for Directed Retreat
TMP 257.04Developing in the Spiritual Life: The Psychological and Spiritual Perspectives of the Human Person
TMP 258.04Fundamentals of Directed Retreat-Giving
TMP 222.07Mysticism
TMP 358.04Fundamentals of Directed Retreat-Giving
TMP 355.05Mysticism
TMP 258.05Supervised Retreat-Giving Experience
TMP 358.05Supervised Retreat-Giving Experience
TMP 356Ignatian Spirituality
TMP 256.04Vocation and Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises
TMP 356.04Vocation and Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises
TMP 256.04The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola: Structures and Dynamics
TMP 257History of Spirituality
TMP 256.08Mysticism and St. Ignatius
TMP 355History of Spirituality
TMP 256.06Discernment and Spiritual Direction
TMP 257Christian Sanctity: Integration of Dogma, Spirituality and Life
TMP 356.05Discernment and Spiritual Direction
TMP 357Christian Sanctity: Integration of Dogma, Spirituality and Life
TMP 256.05Approaches to Spiritual Direction
TMP 255.06Spirituality of Communion and Community: A Patristic and Contemporary Approach
TMP 255.04The Classics of Western Spirituality
TMP 355.04The Classics of Western Spirituality
TMP 256.03Apostolic Spirituality
TMP 356.03Apostolic Spirituality
TMP 255.03The Spirituality of Consecrated Life
TMP 355.03The Spirituality of Consecrated Life
TMP 256Ignatian Spirituality
TMP 223.11Practicum: Liturgical Songwriting
TMP 223.14Theology of Christian Symbolism
TMP 383Multidisciplinary Foundations for Theological Reflection
TMP 326.07Faith and Culture
TMP 321.30Hagiography and the Construction of Sanctity
TMP 326.08Faith and Science
TMP 326.09Faith and Philosophy
TMP 321.18Thomas Aquinas
TMP 322Topics in Ecclesiology
TMP 324.06The Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar
TMP 321.23Theology of Religions
TMP 323.06Theology of the Eucharist
TMP 321.19Theology in the 19th Century
TMP 223.06Theology of the Eucharist
TMP 321.36Catholic Theology: 19th and 20th Centuries
TMP 223.08Holy Orders
TMP 223.13Liturgical Inculturation
TMP 225.03Islam and Interreligious Dialogue
TMP 325.03Islam and Interreligious Dialogue
TMP 225.04Islam: Formative Period, The Qur’an, Neofundamentalism and Tolerance
TMP 325.04Islam: Formative Period, The Qur’an, Neofundamentalism and Tolerance
TMP 225.20Indian Philosophy and Religions
TMP 325.20Indian Philosophy and Religions
TMP 225.05Islam and Christianity
TMP 325.05Islam and Christianity
TMP 225.06World Religions and Contemporary Islam
TMP 322.07Themes Related to Evangelization I
TMP 223.04Sacraments of Initiation
TMP 222.08Themes Related to Evangelization II
TMP 223The Sacraments of the Church
TMP 322.08Themes Related to Evangelization II
TMP 323The Sacraments of the Church
TMP 224.03The Theology of Karl Rahner
TMP 223.05Sacraments of Vocation
TMP 324.03The Theology of Karl Rahner
TMP 225The Catholic Church and Other Religions
TMP 325.20The Catholic Church and Other Religions
TMP 322.03New Ecclesiologies and Ministries in the Catholic Church
TMP 226Religion, The Catholic Church and Society
TMP 322.03Religion, The Catholic Church and Society
TMP 224Contemporary Theologians
TMP 324Contemporary Theologians
Theo 248Church and Mission
TMP 222.06Exploring Mission Through Film
TMP 322.06Exploring Mission Through Film
TMP 222.07Themes Related to Evangelization I
TMP 222Themes Related to Ecclesiology
TMP 222.05Asia Church: Exploring the FABC Vision
TMP 222.04Discovering Vatican II Through Film
TMP 322.04Discovering Vatican II Through Film
TMP 222.03New Ecclesiologies and Ministries in the Catholic Church
TMP221.13Theological Anthropology I: Creation and Eschatology
TMP221.15Theological Anthropology II: Sin and Grace
Theo 241Themes in Christology
TMP 221.22 TMP 321.22Jesus Christ in Religious Pluralism
TMP 283.03Theological Method
TMP 221.23Christianity in Dialogue: Theology of Religious Pluralism and Theology of Dialogue
TMP 383.03Theological Method
TMP 221.34Soteriology and Mariology
TMP 221.03Dogmatics I
TMP 221.35Redemption
TMP 221.04Dogmatics II
TMP 221.26The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
TMP 321.03Dogmatics II
TMP 321.26The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
TMP 221Dogmatic Survey
TMP 221.27Mariology
TMP 221.11God One and Triune
TMP 321.27Mariology
TMP 221.06Studies in Patristic Theological Themes
TMP 321.06Studies in Patristic Theological Themes
TMP 221.07Christian Witness from the First Centuries: Discovering the Sources
TMP 321.07Christian Witness from the First Centuries: Discovering the Sources
TMP 321.30Patristic Studies
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