Home » Academic Programs » Course Descriptions » Developing in the Spiritual Life: The Psychological and Spiritual Perspectives of the Human Person
TMP 257.04

Developing in the Spiritual Life: The Psychological and Spiritual Perspectives of the Human Person

This course will develop a critical theory of personal identity and its development which are informed by perspective by perspectives from psychology and Christians spirituality. It will aid the students in developing an understanding of the dynamics of human growth and development as distinct form. Incarnational spirituality and the pursuit of holiness are in no way inimical to healthy human growth and no one is exempt from the human condition. Lumen Gentium on sanctity shows us the integration and holistic approach of dogma, sanctity and life founded on the person of Christ. The Fathers of the Church speak of the “fathomless depth” in the human being where God is. The human person bears the imprint of the incomprehensible Godhead. Ronald Rolheiser in “The Holy Longing” explains the nonnegotiables of this incarnational spirituality — the centrality of the Incarnation, the sustenance of the spiritual life, the importance of community worship and social concerns — and how spirituality necessarily impacts every aspect of human experience.

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