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TMP 211.32

Exegesis: Prophets

This course introduces the students to methods of exegesis. These methods are then applied to selected texts from the Prophetic Books. Course work is based on the Hebrew text. There is no Hebrew word for “repentance” in the Bible. Repentance is expressed by the use of the verb šub (to turn, return) with God as its object: to turn/return to God. One way of identifying the theme of repentance in Hosea is to use šub as a marker, a flag to indicate a possible existence of this theme in the writings of the eighth century prophet. A study of the various occurrences of šub in Hosea (2:16-17; 3:1-5; 5:3-7; 5:15-6:6; 7:8-12; 10:11-13; 11:1-9; 12:2-6; and 14:2-9) shows that repentance is a recurrent theme in the book. A close reading of these passages uncovers the rich meaning of repentance in Hosea. Interpreted within the context of the tumultuous events that precipitated the demise of the northern kingdom of Israel, these urgent appeals to turn to God are meant either to stave off the impending disaster or to instill a sense of hope after the fall in future reconciliation with God.

Knowledge of Biblical Hebrew is helpful but not required in the course. The students are expected to be able to do research on the relevant texts and present the fruit of their research in class. In lieu of an exam, a term paper to be submitted at the end of the course will be required.

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