Fr 201-202

French I-II

LST’s French courses introduce the fundamental elements of the French language such as articles, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and the conjugation of verbs. The following moods and tenses will be covered: indicative mood, i.e., présent (present), passé simple (preterite or simple past), passé compose (past tense or narration tense), passé antérieur (past perfect), imparfait (continuous past), futur simple (future tense); subjunctive mood; conditional mood and imperative mood.

Emphasis is on the progressive development of basic reading skills. While the primary emphasis of the course is in developing the student’s reading skills towards understanding theological texts, some attention will also be given to spoken French. Aside from the standard French grammar, exercise book, and dictionary, the following texts in French will utilized as supplementary materials to enhance the building up of students’ vocabulary: common Catholic prayers, Breviary and Mass prayers, Scripture readings, religious and secular songs, etc.

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