Home » Academic Programs » Course Descriptions » God One and Triune
TMP 221.11

God One and Triune

The Trinity is a communion of divine persons so perfectly and dynamically united in love that they constitute the one God. The development of the theology of the Triune God has served to deepen our “God-talk” (theology) that ends up in worship and seeks connections with other mysteries of the Christian faith such as creation, incarnation and redemption. Creative discussions on the doctrine of Trinity will also encourage Christians to dialogue with various believers and to work for justice and peace. The Mystery of God: An Inquiry on the Holy Trinity. The capital aspect of the Christian Creed that summarizes and enlightens the whole Faith is the Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. Indeed, we discover in the Trinity the everlasting source of the Design of Salvation, the deep meaning of the Incarnation of the Word, and the final horizon of the History of Mankind. Our course intends to explain the Trinitarian problem in the Asian context today, to analyze the biblical and historical data about the Holy Trinity with clarity and precision, and to summarize briefly the meaning of Catholic teaching on the Holy Trinity. This doctrinal-pastoral course on the living of Christian faith seeks to understand, interiorize, and proclaim the Trinitarian mystery as the central vivifying truth which responds to the deepest questions of the human heart. After a brief consideration of the present-day context of un-belief, the course gives a systematic exposition of the doctrine of the Trinity by means of Scripture and Tradition. The concluding lectures underline the pastoral dimensions of this doctrine which is meant to be the “deepest source, closest inspiration and the brightest illumination of the meaning of life that we can imagine” (Leonardo Boff).

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