Home » Academic Programs » Course Descriptions » Islam and Interreligious Dialogue
TMP 225.03

Islam and Interreligious Dialogue

This survey course explores the Islamic faith and traditions; it also explores the Church’s vision of and commitment to interfaith dialogue. This course explores Asian Church perspectives on interreligious dialogue, using the largest Asian religion (Islam) as a window into the question. The course derives its orientation from both Ecclesia in Asia (31), which noted that the Church “gladly acknowledges whatever is true and holy in the religious traditions of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam as a reflection of that truth which enlightens all people” and from John Paul II’s mission encyclical Redemptoris Missio (55) which states that “Interreligious dialogue is a part of the Church’s evangelizing mission.” This survey course explores the Church’s vision of and commitment to interfaith dialogue in tandem with the Islamic faith and traditions. The class methodology employs films, videos, and documentaries as well as lectures, readings, and group discussion. This course attempts to survey the relationship between Christians and Muslims on the basis of theological reflection through selected texts. There will be a discussion to demonstrate how the development of the relationship between Christians and Muslims as it has unfolded across the centuries. The purposes of this course are: 1) To make clear that Christian-Muslim relations over the centuries have produced a reaction of both encounter and conflict in the other community which in turn contributed to the development of formulations and attitudes; 2) To discuss the writings of some thinkers or influential persons from both Christian and Muslims communities in the course of time; and 3) To help both Christian students of theology to understand how the Christians and Muslims communities have reached the situation in which they find themselves today.

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