How is Jesus Christ related to non-Christians? Is he redeemer only of those who place their faith in him (exclusivism)? Or of all humanity notwithstanding their knowledge of and response to him (inclusivism)? Or is he one mediator among many mediators of salvation/transformation (pluralism)?
This course will begin with a study of the two poles of the inclusivist-pluralist dialogue: on the one hand, the inclusivism of Vatican II and Karl Rahner; on the other hand, the radical pluralism of John Hick. The course will then explore the possibility of a middle ground, the moderate pluralism proposed by various theologians, such as Amaladoss, DCosta, Dupuis, Knitter, Ogden, Pieris, Schillebeeckx and others. Pre-requisites: Theo 205 Revelation-Faith and Theo 207 Christology