TMP 312.30


The course introduces the students to the theological themes of the Gospel of John, the Johannine letters, and the Book of Revelation. It offers a perspective for understanding the Johannine writings by considering their historical and conceptual background as well as the relationship of the Fourth Gospel and the Synoptics. It discusses the content, message, language and style of the Johannine writings and includes exegesis of selected passages. An aesthetic and narrative critical reading is employed to highlight the overall message communicated through symbolic language. It explores other methods and approaches to bring to light the relevance of the Johannine writings to contemporary times. This course focuses on major trends in Johannine research in the past years. Students in this course will present an exegesis of Johannine passages with the use of varied biblical methodologies of interpretation. This course introduces the student to the Gospel of John through a study of necessary background, overview study, and exegetical work with chosen passages. At the end of the course, the student should be able to demonstrate the following: an understanding of the literary and theological characteristics of the Fourth Gospel; an awareness of the historical, religious and social issues confronting the Johannine community; an ability to analyze the text using various methods of exegesis; an in-depth understanding of selected texts; and an understanding of specific Johannine topics, e.g., faith, world, Christ, and discipleship among others.

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