This seminar focuses on the bioethical and social issues addressed by John Paul II in his encyclical letter, Evangelium Vitae (1995) as well as by Joseph Cardinal Bernardin in his Consistent Ethics of Life. Towards A Pastoral Promotion of Natural Family Planning
The only response the Catholic Church in the Philippines has towards the RH Law is the promotion of Natural Family Planning. Next to the Churchs Social Teaching, Natural Family Planning is the second greatest secret in the Catholic Church. Less than one percent of Filipino women practice the modern methods of NFP. Most married couples know nothing about it. Very few archdioceses and dioceses have working programs. There is a vast amount of ignorance in the Catholic Church about NFP. Perhaps, the leader among the Catholic hierarchy in promoting NFP is Archbishop Antonio Ledesma, S.J., Archbishop of Cagayan de Oro. The two presenters of this course have been working with him in a coalition of Catholic groups promoting NFP. Mitos Rivera, is known, as one of the key experts on Natural Family Planning in the Philippines.
This course will present Church teaching, especially Humanae Vitae, Familiaris Consortio, and John Paul IIs Theology of the Body and Evangelium Vitae. Depending on their availability, key people in the promotion of NFP, including Archbishop Ledesma, and pastoral workers from the Dioceses of Cubao and Novaliches, will be invited to share their expertise. The six modern methods of NFP will be explained and promoted. Finally, participants will learn how to promote programs of NFP in their parishes and dioceses.