This course aims to contribute to the exploration of an Asian theology of religions by tracing progressively the contribution of Karl Rahner to the foundational insights of Vatican II’s more open theology of religions and Rahner’s influence in the evolving theology of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC), especially on the question of the salvific meaning of other religions. While this is the key focus of this course, the work goes deeper by examining the question of impasse in the Asian theology of religions occasioned partly by two magisterial documents, Ecclesia in Asia and Dominus Iesus, particularly on the question of the saving import of other religions, and how the FABC has addressed this issue and other related matters in its documents. Furthermore, it investigates the meaning and implications of Rahner’s concept of God as incomprehensible mystery and his insight on the radical unity of love of God and love of neighbor vis-a-vis the Asian situations of religious pluralism and massive poverty in the attempt to offer ways of advancing beyond the impasse.
TMP 324.03