Home » Academic Programs » Course Descriptions » Themes Related to Evangelization I
TMP 322.07

Themes Related to Evangelization I

This course in the field of systematic theology lays the foundation for a theology of mission and evangelization, i.e., the proclamation of the Christian message with greater impact, freshness and zeal to contemporary men and women. This course especially draws from the more recent papal teachings of John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis on evangelization, especially New Evangelization, as well as the reflections of pastoral workers in the field. Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue

This course confronts real-life challenges of new evangelization in our complex multicultural and multireligious milieu. It provides relevant tools and concepts drawn from anthropology, cultural studies and the history of ideas, and interface them with Church teachings and contextual theologies. These lessons may prove useful in facing issues of identity confusion, ethnic conflicts, and religious extremism as well as in appreciating the emergence of new forms of solidarity and search for wholeness and peace. Classroom seminars will be enhanced by occasional guest practitioners of interfaith and intrafaith dialogue, both from major religious traditions and indigenous spiritualities. Those assigned in formation, education, social action and cross-border mission may benefit from the course, as they will be able to produce and take home frameworks for a dynamic context-sensitive ministry. Spirituality and Praxis of Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue

This course confronts real-life challenges of new evangelization in our complex multicultural and multi-religious milieu. It provides relevant tools and concepts drawn from anthropology, cultural studies and the history of ideas, and interface them with Church teachings and contextual theologies. These lessons may prove useful in facing issues of identity confusion, ethnic conflicts, and religious extremism as well as in appreciating the emergence of new forms of solidarity and search for wholeness and peace. Classroom seminars will be enhanced by occasional guest practitioners of interfaith and intrafaith dialogue, both from major religious traditions and indigenous spiritualities. Those assigned in formation, education, social action and cross-border mission may benefit from the course, as they will be able to produce and take home frameworks for a dynamic context-sensitive ministry. New Evangelization and the Asian Church Today

Fifty years on from the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), the Church faces a double task: (1) name with clarity the emerging contexts of the contemporary world, and, (2) bring the power of Jesus’ Gospel to bear upon these realities. Succinctly stated, “new types of situations require a new evangelization.”

This course will (1) investigate the evolving human situations and societal contexts of today, particularly in Asia, and, (2) explore a relevant “missionary evangelization” that is “new in its ardor, methods and expression” (John Paul II). Appropriate media material (e.g. films and documentaries) will be employed along with class lectures, discussions, and relevant readings.

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