This course builds upon the fundamental theological foundations regarding evangelization laid out in the prerequisite course, Themes Related to Evangelization I. In the light of Church teachings on evangelization, the course studies various challenges as well as possibilities which the individual Christian and Christian communities are called to addresses in todays post-modern world. These issues may pertain to the world economy and the poor, migration, popular religiosity and culture, the environment, atheism, agnosticism and relativism, religious pluralism, religious freedom, ecumenism and interreligious dialogue, modern technologies, etc. The course aims to acquaint the students with the main traits of some Asian Religions (Buddhism, Hinduism and Confucianism) and to analyze the philosophies which stemmed from them. Emphasis will also be placed on how the knowledge of these religious worldviews and philosophical systems could contribute to the much-needed activity of inter-cultural and interreligious dialogue.
TMP 322.08