Home » Academic Programs » Course Descriptions » Theology of the Old Testament
TMP 211

Theology of the Old Testament

This course introduces the student to the theologies of the Old Testament. Since the time it was made the repository of the Ark of the Covenant to the time of its destruction in 70 AD the Jerusalem Temple played a central role in the faith-life of the people of Israel. This course studies the various religious attitudes and thoughts in the Hebrew Bible concerning the House of the Lord (e.g., Exod 25; Deut 12; 2 Sam 6- 7; Lev 16; Psalms; Mic 3; Jer 7; Ezk 8; etc). It will explore some recurrent theological themes regarding the Temple — its significance as the symbol for the enduring presence of YHWH with his people — and how these themes may have some relevance for the Christian faith.

This is a workshop course in which part of the course will be spent on individual research by the students. Towards the end of the course each student will present his/her research paper in class. The basis for the final grade will be the oral presentation in class and the research paper.

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