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Library Announcements

Covid Health Protocols

  1. The library is currently implementing restricted physical access.
  2. Aside from LST staff and administrators, only 5 off-campus LST student researchers can be accommodated in the LST Library each day.
  3. Library users are requested to avoid close contact with the Library Staff.
  4. The LST Offices are off-limits to library users.
  5. The use of face mask and face shield is required to enter the Ateneo Campus and LST.

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New Book Acquisition / Processed
Library Services

Library Orientation

Library orientation sessions are conducted for new students at the beginning of the First Semester. New students in the Second Semester or Intersession can schedule a library orientation with the library staff.

Borrowing & Returning Books

ID Cards are personal and thus non-transferable. This means both that the card may not be lent and that the cardholder may borrow library books only for his/her own use and may not lend these to others. Note: Anyone violating this rule may be stripped of his borrowing privileges.

  1. Procedure: Books are borrowed and returned at the LST library circulation counter upon presentation of a validated LST ID.
  2. Recall of Books: Books must be returned at once if they are recalled by the library staff, even if the deadline for returning them has not yet arrived. Book recall notices are sent either by email, text, or telephone.
  3. Returning Deadlines: All books borrowed by both students and faculty must be returned to the library before the end of each semester or Intersession. Borrowing privileges will not be renewed for clients who fail to observe this rule.
  4. Fourth Year STB students must return all books borrowed from the library at least 48 hours before their oral comprehensive examinations.
  5. Students who are writing their thesis must return all books from the library before they submit to the LST Office the final draft of their thesis for defense.
  6. Intra-Library Loans: A system of “intra-library” loans with the Ateneo Rizal Library is fully functioning. Books needed from the Rizal Library for LST purposes are transferred, upon request, to the LST Library and loaned to LST card-holders and vice versa. Books borrowed from the Rizal Library under the auspices of the LST library are also returned to the LST library counter. Consult the special policy guidelines that govern this kind of loan.

Research by Non-LST Students

  1. Vaccinated non-LST researchers are allowed library access if the Ateneo is under an Alert level that allows visitors. Researchers should also fill up the and the Library sign-up sheet.
  2. The non-LST researcher should bring a letter of request from their superior or supervisor.
  3. A P100,00 per day researchers fee is to be paid at the library counter.
  4. If a journal article is unavailable online a request can be made to the Library Director (egenilo@lst.edu) for a scanned copy of the journal article (if possible). Allow for at least a week to process the request.

Library Materials

Periodicals (bound or unbound), reference books, and reserved books are not loaned out of the library. They may be used only inside the library. Only books in the general circulation section may be loaned out of the library. After use, all library materials should not be returned to the shelves but should be left on the reading tables for re-shelving by the library staff.

For library material that cannot be lent out, send an email request for a scanned copy of the material (within reasonable limits) to the Library Director. Allow for at least a week to process the request.

Fines, Fees, and Penalties

Library semester fees and deposits are paid at the Cashier’s Office, and receipts are shown to the library staff. Fines, penalties, and spot fees (of visitors) are paid at the circulation counter.

  1. Fine for overdue books: A fine per calendar day is charged for overdue books. This mean includes Sundays, holidays, vacations, etc.
  2. Fines and penalties for lost books: Fines accumulate up to the day that the loss is reported. The borrower of the lost book should pay, within one month after notification of loss, the full cost of replacing it. If payment is not paid, the fine resumes. In addition, all books that are still charged out must be returned, and all library access and privileges are forfeited.
  3. Book repair penalty: Any damages caused by the user should be brought to the attention of the library staff and provision made to meet the cost of repairs.

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EBSCOHOST LST ( off-campus )

  1. Log-in to your LSTISIS account
  2. Click the EBSCO logo on the LST ISIS account home page.
  3. Use the LST EBSCO search box for your research.

LST EBSCO is accessible only to currently enrolled LST students.



3 Mon LST President’s Day and Sportsfest
4 Tu Start of STB Comprehensive Exams
15 Sat PAASCU Final Preparation for Exhibits
15 Sat AC Meeting
18 Tu Deadline Approval of Adviser for Second Reader (MA, STL, STD, PhD, Dmin) for those joining the Graduation
19 Wed Theological Hour
20 Thu Faculty Assembly (4:30pm)