Home » Faculty » Budi, Hartono SJ, Th.D.

Budi, Hartono SJ, Th.D.

Associate Professor of Systematic Theology

Contact Info

Loyola House of Studies (LHS)
Ateneo de Manila University Campus
Loyola Heights
1108 Quezon City, Philippines
(632) 8426-6101 to 05


  • Introduction to the Mystery of Faith
  • Scripture, Tradition and Magisterium
  • God: Trinity
  • Christology and Contextual Experience

Areas of Interest

His teaching and research include Christology within multicultural context and multi-religious society, followed by the development of a community called Church, pastoral empowerment and interreligious dialogue, as well as on the Ignatian spirituality and a theological methodology that takes social-religious context seriously, particularly Asian religiosity and poverty.


  • Master of Arts in Philosophy, Driyarkara Institute of Philosophy at Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Bachelor in Sacred Theology, Wedabhakti Pontifical Faculty of Theology, University of Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Licentiate in Sacred Theology, Wedabhakti Pontifical Faculty of Theology, University of Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Doctor of Sacred Theology, Graduate Theological Union at Berkeley, California, USA

Research and Publications

  • “Kristologi dengan Imaginative framework” in Diskursus 7/2 (October 2008) 181-193.
  • (Church of the poor and its pastoral implications) GEREJA YANG PEDULI KAUM MISKINMENGGAGAS SEBUAH EKKLESOLOGI ANTROPOLOGIS DAN IMPLIKASIPASTORALNYA In (Book) Gereja yang Melayani dengan Rendah Hati. Penerbit KanisiusYogyakarta, Indonesia, 2009; ISSN 978-979-21-2515-3
  • “Yesus” in Meniti Kalam Kerukunan Vol. 1. Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia (2010) 425-453.
  • Berjuang menjadi tanda dan sarana keselamatan (Ignatian theology and Protestantism) in Diskursus 9/1 (April 2010) 89-108.
  • (Striving to be Sacrament of God’s Salvation: An Ignatian Approach) BERJUANG MENJADI TANDA DAN SARANAKESELAMATAN SUMBANGAN IGNATIUS DARI LOYOLA DAN SPIRITUALITAS IGNATIAN. In (Journal) DISKURSUSJurnal Filsafat dan Teologi – Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Driyarkara, Vol. 9 No.1 April 2010; ISSN 1412-3878
  • (Inspiration, Abstraction and Historization of the Doctrine of Trinity) INSPIRASI, ABSTRAKSI, DAN HISTORISASIDOKTRIN TRINITAS. In (Journal) DISKURSUS Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi – Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Driyarkara, Vol. 10 No. 02 October 2011; ISSN 1412-3878
  • “Bartolomé de las Casas and the Question of Evangelization” in Jurnal Teologi Vol. 2, No. 01, Mei 2013, pp. 49-57 (ISSN 2302-5476)
  • “Teologi Asia. Menjadi Pelayan Kehidupan” (Asian Theology. Becoming Servant of Life) in Rohani 60/No. 06, June 2013, pp.4-7 (ISSN 1411-8505)
  • “Doing Theology in Asia. In the Service of Life”in Orientasi Baru vol. 22. No. 2, October 2013, pp. 125-137 (ISSN 1411-965X)
  • “’A Bruised Church’ for the Poor?” in Orientasi Baru vol. 23. No. 2, October 2014, pp. 127-139 (ISSN 1411-965X)
  • “Resurrection And Community of Jesus in History” Orientasi Baru. Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi, Vol 24, No. 2, Oktober 2015:123-136 ISSN 1411-965X
  • “Keselamatan Bagi Semua Orang (Salvation for all): Gaudium Et Spes Artikel 45 dan Sumber-Sumbernya” in Madya Utama, M. Purwatma, Setelah Setengah Abad, Ke Mana Kita Melangkah? Merayakan, Merefleksikan, dan Mewujudkan Roh Konsili Vatikan II, Yogyakarta, Indonesia: PT. Kanisius, 2015: 297-312
  • “Belas Kasih Allah dari El Salvador” (God’s Mercy from El Salvador), Rohani No. 1 Tahun Ke-63, Januari 2016: 4-7 ISSN 1411-8505
  • “Integritas Pewarta Sukacita Injil” Rohani No. 10 Tahun Ke-66, October 2019: 4-7 ISSN 1411-8505
    “Ignatian prayer: Monotheistic and Christological” in Journeying with Muslims. The Ignatian Way. A Publications of the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific. Manila: Sonolux Ateneo de Manila University, 2022, pp. 135-152
  • “Rethinking Trinitarian Credo. Meaning and Relevance” in upcoming publication of Jurnal Teologi. May 2023, ISSN 2302-5476
  • “Cura Personalis dan Teologi Pembebasan” (Cura Personalis and Liberation Theology) in F. Purwanto, Agus Widodo (eds.), Cura Personalis. Perjumpaan Yang Meneguhkan Peziarahan dan Persaudaraan. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University Press, 2023, pages 157-170.
Home » Faculty » Budi, Hartono SJ, Th.D.