Fung, Jojo, S.J., Ph.D.
Lecturer, Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology
Contact Info
East Asian Pastoral Institute
Ateneo de Manila University Campus
Loyola Heights, Quezon City
Tel. +63 (02) 426-5901 to 03
Office: +63 (02) 426-6001 ext. 3404
Doing Contextual Theology in Dialogue with Indigenous Peoples
Areas of Interest
- Bachelor of Arts in Theology, Urbaniana University, Rome
- Master of Arts in Theology, Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City
- Master of Arts in Social Anthropology, School of Oriental and African Studies, London
- Licentiate in Sacred Theology, Jesuit School of Theology Berkeley, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley
- Doctorate in Contextual Theology, Association of Theological Colleges, Chicago
Research and Publications
- The Legendary Batu Punggul, Sabah Society Journal, Vol. 15 (1998): 59-73.
- Ongoing Dialogue on Environmental Ethic: a Basis For a General Malaysian Rainforest Ethic and its Ensuing Liturgical Practices, East Asian Pastoral Review, vol. 34, 4 (1997), 311-324.
- Doing Practical Theology: A Malaysian Perspective, East Asian Pastoral Review, vol. 36, no. 3 (1999), 338-350.
- Taking a forward leap: Understanding proclamation, church and Unity, East Asian Pastoral Review, vol.37, no. 2 (2000), 155-172.
- Dominion of Co-Creators, East Asian Pastoral Review, vol.37, no. 2 (2000), 374-379.
- Glimpses of Murut Shamanism, SHAMAN, Vol.8, No.2 (Autumn, 2000): 181-193.
- Multifaceted aspects of Mission,East Asian Pastoral Review, vol. 38, no. 4 (2001), 383-387.
- Toward A Paradigm Shift In Mission Amongst The Indigenous Peoples In Asia. FABC Papers No. 105. Hong Kong: Federation Of Asian Bishops Conferences, 2002.
- Rethinking Missiology In Relation To Indigenous People Life-Struggle. Mission Studies 20 (April, 2003), 29-54.
- Ripples On The Water: Believers In The Indigenous Struggle for A Society of Equals. Plentong, Malaysia: Diocesan Communication Center.
- The Subversive Memory of Shamanism. In Art Leete and R. Paul Firnhaber, eds., Shamanism in the Interdisciplinary Context. Florida, USA: Brown Walker Press, 2004, 268-89.
- Millstones amid Milestones, East Asian Pastoral Review, vol. 41, no. 2, (2004), 191-217.
- Murut Shamanism, Semai Shamanism, in Mariko N. Walter & Eva Jane Neumann Fridman., Eds., Shamanism: An Encyclopedia of World Beliefs, Practices, and Culture. Vol. I & II. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, 2004, 824, 827.
- A Theological Reflection On The Baptism Into The Deep and Its Missiological Implications For The Asian Catholic Church. Mission Studies 20 (June, 2005), 227-247.
- An Appraisal of the Eight Federation of Asian Bishop Conferences Synod on Family Life, Vol 43, no. 3 (2005), 289-295.
- Garing The Legend: A Decorated Hero A Renowned Shaman. Sabah Museum. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah: Percetakan Kolombong Ria, 2006.
- A Theological Interface with Pieris and Sobrino, East Asian Pastoral Review, vol.45, no. 2 (2008), 181-187.
- Global Food Crisis: A Theology of Sustenance, East Asian Pastoral Review, Vol. 45, no. 4 (2008), 373-383.
- Be Priest in/of Dialogue, CANews, Vol.38, no. 10 (October, 2009), 27.
- An Asian Liberation Theology of Sacred Sustainability: A Local Theology In Dialogue with Indigenous Shamans, Vol. 4, no. 2, Asian Horizon (December, 2010), 401-415.
- Newness and Boldness of Approaches For Effective Evangelization and Missiology, Vol. 5, no. 4, Asian Horizon (December, 2011), 778-795.
- The Menace of Corruption: An Accursed Malaise and A Systemic Evil, Vol. 6, no. 1, Asian Horizon (March, 2012), 41-59.
- A Corruption-Ridden World: Think Global, Respond Local, as a Filipino Church, Landas 24:1 (2010), 35- 55.
Vatican As An Ecclesial Pentecost, Vol. 6, no. 3 Asian Horizon (September, 2012),552-569. - 2014. An Asian Liberation Theology of Sacred Indigenous Shamanism and Christian Theology in Dialogue for Liberative Struggle (Manila: Jesuit Communication Inc.)
- 2014. Sacred Time For A Sacred Sojourn In The Mystical Age, Ignis, Vol. XLII, no IV (2013.4), 7-32.
- 2015. “Indigenous Leadership: Virtues, Skills, Spirituality and Context,” East Asian Pastoral Review 51(2014), 338-350.
- 2015. Living In Awe: A New Vision and Mission for Asia: Critical Orientations to Sustainability and Spirituality (Kuala Lumpur: Public Media Agency Sdn Bhd (PMA).
- 2015. “Indigenous Oral Lore and Digital Media. In Jeremy Murray and Kathleen Nadeau, editors, Encyclopedia of Popular Culture in Asia and Oceania. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO.
- 2015. An Emerging Mystic Theology of Sustainability Amidst Rapid Changes for an Indigenous Church of Asia. Landas: Journal of Loyola School of Theology 29 (2015): 51-73.
- 2015. Multiple Faultlines and Identity of Indigenous Christians/Catholics in Malaysia, Kritikal Kultura 25, September, 155-165.
- 2016. Emerging Perspectives and Identity: Negotiation of the Indigenous Christians. In World Christianity and Global Theologizing: Perspectives and Insights, eds. Jonathan Y. Tan and Anh Q. Tran, S.J. (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books).
- 2016. “What Christians Can Learn from Shamanic Pneumatology,” in Interfaith Dialogue: Global Perspectives (New York: Palgrave Macmillan), 119-128.
- 2016. A Call To Live A Contemplative & Prophetic Lifestyle VOICES A Theological Journal of EATWOT, Vol. XL 2016-2.
- 2016. Teaching Theology: A Ministry with a Mystagogy. Landas: Journal of Loyola School of Theology 30 (2016): 119-130.
- 2016. War on Drugs: The Church’s Prophetic Mission, Fabiloh (Manila: Ateneo de Manila Alumni Magazine), 88-95.
- 2017 Anoris Laetitia: A Contextual Perspective. Asian Horizon, Vol. 11, 1, March, 133-143.
- 2018 Encuentros poscoloniales con religiones indigenas para la paz y la armonia ecologica. Postcolonial Encounters with Indigenous Religions For Peace & Ecological Harmony, Concilium, 374 (2018), 131-144.
- 2018. Una teologia emergente della sicurezza umana: il contesto filippino. Concilium 2 (2018): 81-90.
- 2017. War on Drugs: A Prophetic Mission of Resisting Evil. Landas: Journal of Loyola School of Theology 31 (2017) : 25-49.
- 2017. Amoris Laetitia: Spirituality with a Discerning Mystagogy, Ignis XLVII, 4, 20-29.
- 2018. Postcolonial Encounters with Indigenous Religions for Peace and Ecological Harmony, in Asian Christianities, ed. Daniel Franklin Pilario, Felix Wilfred, and Huang Po Ho, Concilium 1 (London: SCM Press), pp. 123-134.
- 2015. Living In Awe: A New Vision and Mission for Asia: Critical Orientations to Sustainability and Spirituality. Kuala Lumpur: Public Media Agency Sdn Bhd (PMA).
- 2017. Creation is Spirited & Sacred: An Asian Indigenous Mysticism of Sacred Sustainability. Manila: Claretian Communications Foundation, INC, Jesuit Communications Foundation, INC and Institute of Spirituality in Asia.
- 2017. A Shamanic Pneumatology In A Mystical Age of Sacred Sustainability. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- 2017. A Call To Dialogue on the Sustainability of Life in the ASEAN Context. Jojo M. Fung, SJ, (ed). Manila: Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific.
- 2013. Doing field research among the Karen People in Northern Thailand based on the two concepts: Sacredness and Sustainability.
- Forthcoming. A Shamanic Theology of Sacred Sustainability: Christianity in Dialogue with Shamans for Liberative Struggle. Quezon City: Jesuit Communication.
- Forthcoming. Sacred Sustainability: A Shamanic Pneumatology amidst Crisis of Sustainability.