Locker, Markus, Ph.D.
Lecturer, Associate Professor of Biblical Theology
Contact Info
Loyola School of Theology
Ateneo de Manila University Campus
Tel: +63 (02) 426-6430 to 35 local 3635
- Introduction to the New Testament
- Synoptics
- Theology of the New Testament
- Methods in Religious Education
- Basics in the Renewal of Religious Education
- Religious Education and Holistic Approaches to Study of Scripture
- The Parables of Jesus
- German Language
Areas of Interest
- Dr. Locker’s research includes the parables
- New Testament hermeneutics and biblical theology as well as the relationship of systems theory and theology.
- Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy, Monash University, Melbourne
- Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Theology, Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City
- Master of Arts in Theological Studies, Maryhill School of Theology, Quezon City
Research and Publications
- The Power of Paradox (Rodopi: Amsterdam, 2015)
- The New World of Jesus’ Parables (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008).
Edited Books
- Systems Theory and Theology. An Interplay of Science and Religion (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2011)
- Led by the Spirit. Festschrift in Honor of Herbert Schneider, S.J. (Quezon City: Loyola School of Theology, 2002)
- Selected Academic Essays and Articles
- & Clemens Sedmak. “The Language Game of Revelation: Interpreting the Book of Revelation through Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Language.” Philosophy & Theology 13 (2/2002): 241-262.
- “Das Buch der Offenbarung in ganzheitlich-systemtheoretischer Deutung.” Zeitschrift für Ganzheitsforschung 46 (1/2002): 3-10.
- “Das Buch der Offenbarung im Verständnis der Sprachphilosophie.” Zeitschrift für Ganzheitsforschung 46 (3/2002): 115-29.
- “Hamann – Wittgenstein: Towards Pre-Critical Biblical Hermeneutics.” The Loyola Schools Review. School of Humanities II (2003): 115-131. [Cited by the Stanford Encyclopedia for Philosophy]
- “Die Aktualität des Buches der Offenbarung.” IBW Journal 4 (2003): 3-11.
- “Kann eine Biblische Theologie „gut“ sein? Die Gleichnisse Jesu: Eine Philippinische Erfahrung.” in Clemens Sedmak, ed. Was ist gute Theologie? Salzburger Theologische Studien 20 (Innsbruck/Wien: Tyrolia, 2003): 151-163.
- “Von Gleichnissen und Systemen.” Biblisches Forum (February 2004). E-Journal on-line. Available from
- & Ma. Lucia C. Natividad, Joseph L. Roche. “The Use of Scripture in Theology and Religious Education: A Holistic Approach.” The Loyola Schools Review. School of Humanities III (2004): 3-32.
- “Revelation’s New Jerusalem: A sign of Christian Identity,” Semiotics (2003): 234-242.
- “Reading and Re-reading Matthew’s Parable of the Talents in Context.” Biblische Zeitschrift 49/2 (2005): 161-173.
- “Jesus’ Language-Games: The Significance of the Notion of Language-Game for a Reformulation of ‘New Testament Biblical Theology,” Heythrop Journal 50 (2009) 392-401.
- “System-Theorie als Theorienbasis für die Theologie. Ein Versuch und Vorschlag.“ IBW Journal 4 (2004): 16-22.
- “Systems Theory and the Conundrum of ens: Thoughts and Aphorisms.” Foundations of Science 11 (2006): 297-317.
- “Solidaridät: Spurensuche auf den Philippinen,” in Clemens Sedmak, ed. Solidarität. Vom Wert der Gemeinschaft. Grundwerte Europas. Vol 1. (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2010) :147-162.
- “And who shaves God? Nature and role of paradoxes in‘science and religion’ communications: ‘A case of foolish virgins’.” Empedocles European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 1/2 (2009): 187-201.
- “Entwurf einer biblischen Theologie der Tragik. Erfahrungen und Begegnungen,“ in Clemens Sedmak & G. Schweiger, Das Tragische Begreifen (Hamburg; Verlag Dr. Kovač, 2012): 135-155.
- “Seeing the Unseeable? Speaking the Unspeakable: From a Kenosis of Exegesis toward a Spiritual Biblical Theology“ Journal of Biblical and Pneumatological Research 4 (2012): 3-30.
“Translating the No-Man,” Kritika Kultura 21/22 (2013/2014): 258-269.