Home » Academic Programs » Theses and Dissertations » Robert Mutuzu (Zimbabwe)
"Transformational Leadership and Management Competency: Relevance to the Priesthood in the Catholic Tradition and Pastoral Implications"

Robert Mutuzu (Zimbabwe)

Licentiate in Sacred Theology with field of specialization in Systematic-Dogmatic Theology.
Adviser: Dr. Christina Kheng


The primary goal of this tesina is to bring a theological reflection in the areas of leadership and management. These two disciplines are an inevitable and indispensable reality in the life of the priest. Currently, leadership and management are buzz words both within the ecclesiastical circles and secular world. Priests have long been noted to be both leaders and managers. A lot has been researched on and written about the leadership of a priest as well as church management. However, very little theological input or reflection has been rendered in both areas resulting in priests making use of these secular disciplines without any theological reflection. Realising the indispensability of leadership and management by the priests, this research makes a crucial contribution on how theology may shape management and leadership or vice-versa.

This tesina has the priest in spectrum undertaking pastoral ministry. It avers the effect that the leadership that the priest undertakes is no ordinary leadership but Transformational Leadership. This is also the same as the management that he undertakes which is no ordinary management, but Management Competency. However, these disciplines, though indispensable as they manifest, cannot be taken on board by the priest wholesale because they have dissonances with priesthood in the Catholic faith tradition. Thus, a crucial dialogue ensues between theology of priesthood, leadership, and management. This dialogue is an interdisciplinary endeavour to address the dissonances of leadership and management so that they may be reoriented in order for them to fit well into the roles of the priest.

Final Defense:

Date of Oral Defense: May 9, 2019 (Thursday)

Board of Examiners: Fr. Jojo Fung, S.J., Ph.D. (Principal Examiner), Dr. Christina Kheng, and Fr. Hartono Budi, S.J., Th.D.

Proposal Defense:

Date: March 23, 2018

Board of Examiners: ​Dr. ​Christina Kheng (Adviser), Dr. ​Dennis Gonzalez, and ​Fr. Jojo Fung, S.J., Ph.D.

Home » Academic Programs » Theses and Dissertations » Robert Mutuzu (Zimbabwe)