William M. Parde, JR. (Philippines)
Catechesis acknowledges the fact that “there is no single best method of catechizing” (Maturing in Christian Faith-National Catechetical Directory for the Philippines 406). The continuing quest for pedagogical approaches is an attempt to realize an effective transmission of the faith, specifically in the school setting. In the Philippines, the general pedagogy of faith identifies three fundamental characteristics, namely, integrated, inculturated, and community-centered. This research, then, seeks to answer the question: “How does the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC) vision of inculturation contribute to the pedagogical renewal of catechesis in the Philippines?”. Since 1970, the FABC, the first to use the word “inculturation” in a Church document, has progressed significantly in the understanding of the term both in the theoretical and practical sense.
Thus, this study makes a descriptive narration of the present catechetical situation, highlights the key points of inculturation in the FABC, exposes the ideals of catechesis, and formulates some principles and objectives for the renewal of the catechetical method. As a result, this research work proposes a new approach to catechetical instruction called “Dialogic Integration”. This method, which focuses on dialogue as the primary element of FABC inculturation, builds on the existing Integration Method used in the Philippines—Doctrine, Moral, and Worship (now with the addition of Mission). At the end, this modest study comes up with a “fresh” catechetical approach that takes into account the FABC inculturation and hopes to bring about some form of pedagogical renewal in catechesis.
Final Defense:
Board of Examiners: Fr. Reginaldo Mananzan, S.J., J.C.D. (Principal Examiner) and Msgr. Sabino Vengco, Jr., S.T.D.
Proposal Defense: