Home » Academic Programs » Theses and Dissertations » Josephine S. Sanares (Philippines)
"Ang Kagalakan ng Ebanghelyo: Pagsasalin ng Ilang Piling Kabanata ng Apostolikong Pangaral na Evangelii Gaudium ng Santo Papa Francisco"

Josephine S. Sanares (Philippines)

Master of Arts (M.A.) major in Theological Studies with field of specialization in Biblical Theology
Adviser: Sr. Bernardita Dianzon, F.S.P., S.T.D., Ph.D.


Pope Francis’ first apostolic exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) is an invitation to the Bishops, Consecrated Persons, and the Lay Faithful to rediscover the joy that comes from encountering Jesus in the Gospel. He encourages us to “embark upon a new chapter of evangelization marked by this joy”. The Pope’s documents are invaluable tools in guiding the Catholic Faithful in their understanding of the Church’s teachings regarding our faith and moral obligations, most especially in their missionary task of evangelization. Today there are insurmountable challenges faced by the world and its pastoral workers which the Holy Father addresses extensively. Unfortunately, there are very few people who endeavor to translate these documents into Filipino, resulting in a lack of awareness and comprehension among Filipinos of the Pope’s comforting messages and important instructions. This thesis is a translation of a portion of his work from English to Filipino, aimed specifically to aid the catechists of Imus, Cavite, in their work of evangelization and spreading the joy of the Gospel in their respective parishes, barangays, and public schools for “on the lips of the catechist the first proclamation must ring out over and over: Jesus Christ loves you; he gave his life to save you; and now he is living at your side everyday to enlighten, strengthen and free you”. [EG 164]

Final Defense:

Date of Oral Defense: March 29, 2017

Board of Examiners: Fr. Timoteo Ofrasio, S.J., S.L.D. (Principal Examiner), Fr. Jose Mario Francisco, S.J., Ph.D., and Fr. Manuel Francisco, S.J., S.T.D.

Proposal Defense:

Home » Academic Programs » Theses and Dissertations » Josephine S. Sanares (Philippines)