Rev. Mario Giovann Tabone, M.S.S.P. (Malta)
This work is a collection of four (4) research papers in the field of Catholic moral theology, in particular, virtue ethics. The first essay entitled “The Moral and Pastoral Implications of ‘Who am I to judge?’” carefully reflects on today’s prevalently perceived attitude of moral and ethical indifference. The paper discusses good moral decision making, addressing the importance of responsibility for personal choices in a life lived within the principle of spirit and truth. The second paper, “Exploring the Father Role, Its Absence and Implications”, addresses what is typically called fatherhood wound which is connected to the absence of fathers from family. This reality is discussed in this paper within the locus of social and theological discussion. The third essay, “Understanding Narcissism from the Perspective of the Christian Tradition”, speaks about the evil of narcissism. Through its negation precisely by moving forward towards love beyond oneself, life opens up to include everyone. The fourth essay, “The Care for the Body as Understood and Affirmed Within the Catholic Social Tradition” highlights the consequence of care for the body as a fundamental attitude of achieving a virtuous life.
Final Defense:
Board of Examiners: Fr. Peter Pojol, S.J., S.T.D., Fr. Abundio Babor, Jr., M.S.C., S.T.D., and Fr. Hartono Budi, S.J., Th.D.
Proposal Defense: