Home » Academic Programs » Theses and Dissertations » Stephanie Ann Y. Puen (Phi)
"Theological Foundations for Ethics in Business in the Philippines"

Stephanie Ann Y. Puen (Phi)

Master of Arts in Theological Studies
Adviser: Ms. Monica Michelle J. Nalupta


As the world continues to become more and more conscious of the power of business as an institution for social change, lackluster business ethics and corporate social responsibility have become the focus of many business people today, calling for companies to be more responsible in their effects on society. By reimagining and understanding business and the economy as communitarian as well as focusing on the person’s development and flourishing rather than falling into simple legalism or consequentialism, this paper seeks to propose a course that will help prepare and equip students to make better and ethical decisions by introducing them to the Christian framework of Catholic Social Teaching and virtue ethics and allowing them to discuss, critique, analyze, reflect on, and make ethical decisions on business issues and cases, amidst a context that may not necessarily encourage ethical behavior.

Final Defense:

November 27, 2014 (Thursday), 3:30 pm, Department of Theology Library Room

Board of Examiners is composed of Dr. Raymond B. Aguas, Ms. Maria Elisa A. Borja and Dr. Ma. Lucia C. Natividad. Ms. Monica Michelle J. Nalupta is adviser.

Proposal Defense:

Home » Academic Programs » Theses and Dissertations » Stephanie Ann Y. Puen (Phi)