“Revisiting 'Thainess' Through History, Discourse and Dialogue of the Catholic Church in Thailand”
Manasan Wongvarn, S.J. (Thailand)
Master of Arts in Theological Studies
Adviser: Fr. Antonio de Castro, S.J. ,E.H.D.
Final Defense:
Date of Oral Defense: February 25, 2014
Board of Examiners: Fr. Arthur Leger, S.J., Ph.D., Fr. Arnel Aquino, S.J., S.T.D., Fr. Hartono Budi, S.J., Th.D.
Proposal Defense:
February 15, 2013 (Friday), 10:30 am, Seminar Room 1, Mezzanine of LST (De la Costa Center)
Board of Examiners: Fr. Hartono Budi,S.J.,Th.D., Joaquin Yap, S.W., D.Phil., Fr. Antonio de Castro, S.J. ,E.H.D. (Adviser).