Diploma In Integral Leadership and Community Development
This non-degree diploma program is conducted by Fondacio Asia as its formation program for the youth called the Institute of Formation Fondacio Asia (IFF Asia), a Discipleship-Mission school for young adults, professionals and lay leaders in Asia. LST offers a non-degree diploma to those who successfully complete requirements of the ten-month residential program held at the Radio Veritas Asia Complex in Fairview, Quezon City.
IFF Asia prepares and equips young people to exercise leadership and helps them grow in their unique vocations by nurturing and guiding them on a path of human and Christian formation. It opens up an alternative career or life path for young people, helps them to engage with the peripheries, to be in the mission of serving others through the local church and civil society. IFF Asia was launched in May 2006 in Quezon City, Philippines, at the initiative of Fondacio, serving the churches and local communities in the region.
The Diploma in Integral Leadership and Community Development (DIL) includes two phases – Human Development and Leadership, and Socio-Pastoral Leadership Development. The program runs from January to October and consists of eight (8) courses. The DIL requires the successful completion of 48 credits of packaged seminar-workshops in modular form conducted within two academic semesters.
The first phase offers a foundation course on psychological realities and understanding their respective personalities, taking hold of their responsibility for their growth and development. As the students delve deeper into the realities – both personal and societal – they will be introduced to the relationship of God with humanity, where the significance of grace, brokenness, and healing will be appreciated. Thereafter, students shall develop conscientious and critical thinking with regard to social problems, issues or trends. At the end of the courses offered, students are invited to be evangelizers through servant leadership, which will lead them towards pastoral mission and social development.
The second phase supplements the social conscientiousness and outlook of the students by analyzing social realities in various frameworks, which shall be utilized to understand the praxis of development. Hence, in light of society’s challenges, courses will establish a clear direction for the students to critically address issues through pastoral context aiming for social change, which will bring sustainability and progress in the community. At the end of the discussions on development, processes that focus on improving the well-being of every individual in society will be applied in the field by engaging the students in actual work along with their skillsets and knowledge acquired.
For more info, please download the following brochures:
DIL 110 Psychosocial Approach on Human Development
This course allows the students to deepen their understanding of their respective personalities and take hold of their responsibility for their growth and development. This is an opportunity for them to better understand one’s impulses and behavior toward the self, others, and community.
Furthermore, through psychosocial approach and interactive methods, the students shall realize the interconnectedness of the different cultures across their social environments. This process would also allow them to develop a supportive environment for personal transformation and conversion.
DIL 120 Faith Formation
This course will allow the students to understand the Scriptures using various methods and approaches that involve imagination, leading toward maturity in faith. It will also study the relationship of God with humanity, sin and redemption, and the significance of grace, brokenness and healing.
By fostering spiritual growth toward personal transformation, students shall develop insights to integrate faith with their daily life.
DIL 130 Social Analysis Tools for Community Development
This course aims to teach students the different methods or techniques they could use to analyze a situation and propose how to address any problem.
One of these methods is social analysis, which is the practice of systematically examining a social problem, issue, or trend, often to prompt changes in the situation being analyzed.
DIL 140 New Ecclesiology in Pastoral Ministry
This course introduces the students to the nature of the Church through its historical overview, highlighting the Vatican II as well as developments in ecclesiology. Through this in-depth discussion, the Church’s ongoing mission of evangelization will be highlighted.
Also, students will have an avenue to examine their own conceptions of being an evangelizer through servant leadership, which will lead them toward mission.
DIL 131 Contemporary Social Issues and Development Theories
This course invites the students to develop their social conscientiousness and outlook. By analyzing social realities in various frameworks, interconnectedness and dependency of individual social positions shall be utilized to understand development.
This development will be viewed through various theories and principles, particularly the link between development and empowerment, gender, and the role of development practitioners.
DIL 150 Catholic Social Teachings
This course allows the students to understand better how to apply the teachings of Sacred Scripture and Catholic Tradition, especially in light of a particular issue. This establishes a clear direction for the students to critically address issues being discussed within the Church and in modern society.
This course is also an invitation to open each one’s heart to the whole world and establish dialogues to strengthen peace, justice, and fraternity.
DIL 132 Pastoral Ministry and Social Development
This course provides an important grounding on the vision of a church wherein Christian Communities share a developed consciousness that constitutes conversion and membership in the Church. With the respective pastoral experiences, each student is invited to a shared vision, challenging them to contribute to the accomplishment of becoming part of the mission.
This course shall also introduce the pastoral context for social change through various ways that will bring sustainability and progress to the community.
DIL 133 Leadership and Development
This course will allow students to gain a systematic and comprehensive understanding of key concepts and skills essential to effective project development and project management in the local context.
Discourse on development processes shall also be introduced, focusing on improving the well-being of every individual in society to reach their full potential as its outcome.
At the end of the course, the students will be allowed to work together with other people and build communities in solidarity, equipped with the skillsets and knowledge acquired.