Home » News » Resumption of In-Person Classes in LST in the Second Semester AY 2021-2022

Resumption of In-Person Classes in LST in the Second Semester AY 2021-2022

Dec 10, 2021

LST will resume in-person classes with a hybrid learning set-up beginning 24 January 2022. The initial pilot group will consist of First to Fourth Year students enrolled the ecclesiastical Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology Program (STB).

The decision was reached in coordination with the Loyola Schools of the Ateneo de Manila University and after due consultation with the LST Faculty, Students, and Religious Superiors of various religious congregations.

The Prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for Catholic Education, in an Instruction “On the Use of Distance Learning in Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties” dated 13 May 2021, has expressed the need especially for those in the STB Program to resume even limited face-to-face classes if allowed by government authorities. In fact, Jesuit faculties of theology in countries which have achieved relative success in containing the COVID-19 infections have already cautiously reopened their campuses.

The mechanics of the operations are as follows:

  1. Target Pilot Group are First to Fourth Year STB Students. Only those in Manila and those who are fully vaccinated will participate in hybrid classes. All other LST students will be on full online mode.
  2. The students will be divided into 2 groups. Each group will have around 122/124 students.

Group A: San Jose Seminary, SJ, OMI, MI, CP, CSSP, MCSPA
Group B: All other congregations and individuals

  1. In LST’s hybrid instruction mode, Groups A and B will alternate in-person and synchronous online attendance via Zoom on a weekly basis. Given the distribution of students, most class sizes at any given section will be only between 10-18 students.
  2. LST has upgraded seven of its ordinary classrooms into hybrid classrooms equipped with Viewsonic interactive panels and wireless presentation displays, monitor panel for online participants, rotating cameras, and sound system. Classrooms have been retrofitted with table-chair layout of 1.5 m physical distancing with adequate classroom ventilation.
  3. To minimize cross-interaction between the two groups, students should remain within their own group schedule of onsite classes.
  4. All STB Core Courses, including practicum courses, will be on hybrid mode except for those whose professors will remain in online mode only for various valid reasons. All advanced and elective courses will remain on online mode only.
  5. The following STB core courses will be offered on hybrid mode:

TMP 211.30 Prophets of Israel

  • Section B (Ramirez) M, 9:00-11:50
TMP 221.08 Scripture, Tradition, Magisterium

  • Section A (MV Francisco) Th, 9:00-11:50
  • Section B (O Dy) W, 9:00-11:50
  • Section C (Budi) W, 9:00-11:50
TMP 221.14 Theological Anthropology I: Creation and Eschatology

  • Section A (Aquino) F, 9:00-11:50
  • Section B (JM Francisco) F, 9:00-11:50
TMP 223 Sacraments of the Church: Baptism, Confirmation, Penance, Anointing

  • Section A (Diwa) W, 9:00-11:50
  • Section B (Manabat) Th, 9:00-11:50
TMP 249.10 Introduction to Patristics and Biblico-Christian Archaeology

  • Part I Patristics (CE Alvarez) Jan 28 – Mar 18 F, 14:00-16:40
  • Part II Archaeology (Abais) Mar 29 – May 24 T, 9:00-11:50
TMP 295.32 Latin II

  • Section A (Mananzan) M, 14:00-16:40
  • Section B (Mananzan) F, 14:00-16:40

TMP 205 Ecclesiology

  • Section A (Yap) M, 9:00-11:50
  • Section B (Rebustillo) M, 9:00-11:50
  • Section C (Agualada) M, 9:00-11:50
TMP 212.40 Paul

  • Section A (Repole) Th, 9:00-11:50
  • Section B (Dianzon) Th, 9:00-11:50
TMP 221.15 Theological Anthropology II: Sin and Grace

  • Section A (Aquino) W, 9:00-11:50
  • Section B (Yap) W, 9:00-11:50
TMP 231.04 Special Moral Theology I: Medical / Sexual Ethics

  • Section A (Genilo) T, 9:00-11:50

TMP 212.30 John

  • Section A (Co) M, 9:00-11:50
TMP 223.06 Theology of the Eucharist

  • Section A (O Dy) T, 9:00-11:50
  • Section B (Fajardo) T, 9:00-11:50
TMP 241.04 Canon Law II

  • Section A (Mananzan) W, 9:00-11:50
  • Section B (Rosalinda) W, 9:00-11:50

TMP 247.04 Ministry of the Word II M Bautista / Alfonso / JESCOM

  • F, 14:00-16:40
TMP 296 Comprehensive Examination

  • Schedules will be announced after the start of the semester.

The rest of LST course offerings will be delivered on full online mode.

Aside from its pre-pandemic al fresco facilities, LST has constructed an interior patio in our Quadrangle. Another patio is being planned at the Laudato Si’ Garden. Moreover, in preparation for a safe LST environment, the following are currently being set up:

1. station at LST entrances for temperature check and contact tracing;
2. hand sanitizer stations per classroom;
3. charging station per classroom for laptops and other devices;
4. handwashing facilities in all toilets;
5. visible, readable, and adequate number of health protocol signages;
6. maintenance, cleaning, sanitation, and disinfection protocols
7. quarantine and isolation rooms at the LST-Lucas Wing.

LST is currently coordinating with the Ateneo de Manila University for the following:

1. university-wide contact tracing system;
2. screening and detection, containment, and lockdown protocols;
3. emergency transfer protocols in case anyone exhibits COVID-19 symptoms.

As the pandemic situation remains uncertain, all plans may be subject to change depending on the circumstances and new directives issued by IATF, CHED, DOH, DOLE, and other pertinent government agencies.

Let us continue to pray, through the intercession of our Mother Mary, for the end of the pandemic.

Home » News » Resumption of In-Person Classes in LST in the Second Semester AY 2021-2022


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