The Loyola School of Theology invites you to the online oral defense of the STL Tesina entitled “The Pursuit of Holiness in the Context of Myanmar Today” by Fr. NYI NYI HTUN on 15 December 2021 (Wednesday) at 10:00 am. The Board of Examiners is composed of Fr. Hartono Budi, S.J., Th.D. (Adviser), Fr. Jojo Fung, S.J., Ph.D. (Principal Examiner), and Fr. Paul Dass, S.J., S.L.L. The defense is being held in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Licentiate in Sacred Theology with field of specialization in Spirituality and Pastoral Psychology. It is open to the public.
Abstract: This study is about the pursuit of holiness in the context of Myanmar today. Myanmar is composed of multi-religious and different ethnic groups. Every tribe has its own belief and sacred tradition. Mainly, in Myanmar, there are four major religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. Despite the different belief systems, they have the same goal that is to attain happiness and holiness not only for the next life but also on this earth. Their teachings are focused to attain holiness which can be found in every religion in Myanmar. This study presents that every human being is called to holiness regardless of color, belief, and race. That is the universal call to holiness. God is the owner of the holiness for all people directly or indirectly because God reveals holiness to the believers through the Holy Spirit in various ways. It means the universal call to holiness is not limited to Christianity but for all. This tesina mainly discusses Buddhist-Christian holiness in different kinds of sacredness, practices, beliefs, and devotions that has great relevance for being a Christian in Myanmar, particularly in the Diocese of Pathein. Due to political turmoil, seeking a life of holiness changes the lifestyle and behavior of the faithful and believers of other faiths. Love, forgiveness, humility, and prayer become the new ways of finding holiness for all believers. Holiness is needed among Buddhists and Christians for witness and doing mission. In this way, unity, peace, collaboration, solidarity, happiness, and mutual understanding will grow in all Christians and Buddhists.