Home » Academic Programs » Course Descriptions » Discovering Vatican II Through Film
TMP 322.04

Discovering Vatican II Through Film

The Second Vatican Council is the most important event in the modern era of the Roman Catholic Church. Opened by Pope John XXIII in October 1962 and closed by Pope Paul VI in December 1965, the Council produced sixteen written documents including four major constitutions.

The Second Vatican Council is the most important event in the modern era of the Roman Catholic Church. Opened by Pope John XXIII in October 1962 and closed by Pope Paul VI in December 1965, the Council produced sixteen written documents including four major constitutions.

This survey course will study the history, ideas, persons and documents of the Council as well as the subsequent impact of Vatican II on the Church and her evangelizing mission. Films and video documentaries as well as selected readings provide the course content. Included in the variety of films to be viewed are the following: Vatican II: Civilization of Love (9-part series); The Faithful Revolution: Vatican II (10-part series); I Will Be Called John (Life of John XXIII); John Paul II: The Millennial Pope; Author of Reform: TheCardinal Suenens Story; Bernadin; A Woman’s View of Vatican II and the Modern Church (Sr. Mary Tobin, SL); John Courtney Murray.

The methodology of the course will employ a weekly film or documentary viewing, class readings and discussion, as well as additional theological-missiological input by the professor. Film reviews and relevant readings will be distributed. Students will be required to submit short reflection and synthesis papers.

The methodology of the course will employ a weekly film or documentary viewing, class readings and discussion, as well as additional theological-missiological input by the professor. Film reviews and relevant readings will be distributed. Students will be required to submit short reflection and synthesis papers.

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