Home » Academic Programs » Course Descriptions » Israel’s Wisdom Literature
TMP 211.60

Israel’s Wisdom Literature

This course is a survey of the ancient Eastern wisdom movement; Israel’s wisdom books show their attitude to life through practical reflection on right conduct, happiness, suffering, the problem of retribution. Fr. Manuel Montesclaros, S.J., S.S.L.

This course intends to present an overview of the Sapiential literature in the First Testament. A general introduction of each book will be given, paying attention to its history, literary genre, structure, motifs, and theological themes. An exegetical analysis of selected pericopes from the different books will be presented to help the student appreciate some of the diachronic and synchronic concerns in the text. Fr. Felipe Fruto Ramirez, S.J., S.T.D.

This is an introductory course on the wisdom books of the Bible: Proverbs, Job, Qoheleth, Sirach, Wisdom, Wisdom Psalms, etc., including the wisdom Psalms. A discussion of the characteristics of wisdom in the Bible, its sources and transmitters, its recurring themes, the various literary forms in which it is expressed, etc. will provide a general overview of the topic. After this, a more thorough discussion of each book — its content, structure, and theology — will be undertaken. A verse by verse exegesis of a chosen pericopê from each book will enable the students to explore with greater depth the theological outlook of the biblical sages.

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