Home » Academic Programs » Theses and Dissertations » Alphonse Kispotta, S.J. (India)
Generating A Contextual UrÃon INTEGRAL Eco-Theology of Chotanagpur from Pope Francis In Laudato Si

Alphonse Kispotta, S.J. (India)

Doctorate in Sacred Theology with the field of specialization in Systematic Theology
Fr. Jojo Fung, S.J., Ph.D. (Adviser)


Today, the whole of humanity is concerned about the ecological crisis, while facing its adverse effects. Heeding the invitation of Pope Francis for the indigenous peoples (tribals and Adivasis), the Urãon Adivasis of Chotanagpur (India), desire to collaborate and commit themselves to work for eco-sustainability, the common good, and the well-being of the whole eco-family. This dissertation reconnoitres into generating a contextual Urãon Integral Eco-theology (UIEt), inspired and guided by the Integral Ecology of Pope Francis in Laudato Si’ for the sustainable future of Chotanagpur.

The researcher here defines the Urãon Integral Eco-theology (UIEt) as – the perceiving of reality from the perspective of Dharmes for justice, harmony, and wholeness of the eco-family (creation). Here, Dharmes (God) who is seen by the Urãons as a personal, impersonal being, and cosmic energy (divine grace). Dharmes itself means the one, who upholds and sustains the whole world and all life forms in it; nevertheless, Dharmes also takes the help of other beings to sustain and maintain the world. Then follow the articulation and interpretation of the other basic tenets of the UIEt such as (ii) human being, (iii) sin, (iv) good and evil, (v) creation (nature), (vi) salvation, etc. In the purview of the UIEt, the Urãons aspire to emulate in their daily lives, those “ecological virtues” underlined and endorsed in Laudato Si’.

Any religion (spirituality and theology) holds a greater impact on every believing community. The study on the UIEt here is very tangible, pragmatic, always here and now. This research aims at contributing renewed insights in the field of contextual theology – the tribal (Adivasi) theology, which is closely related to eco-theology. Generating the UIEt, the defining characters and nuances pursue the vision of ecological sustainability, sustainable development, and the common good of the Urãon Adivasis (all tribals) of the sacred land of Chotanagpur, India. This study is significant in different ways, because it impels one to re-formulate one’s theology or to have a renewed perspective in dealing with the creation (nature), in vividly listening to the cry of the poor and the mother earth.

Final Defense:

18 April 2024, Thursday, 10:00 a.m., at Tipanan ni San Ignacio, DLC 201, 2/F Dela Costa Bldg., LST

Board of Examiners:

  1. Fr. Jojo Fung, S.J., Ph.D. (Adviser),
  2. Fr. Emmanuel Marfori, S.Th.D. (Second Reader/Principal Examiner),
  3. Fr. Hartono Budi, S.J., Th.D., and
  4. Fr. Lancy Monteiro, S.J., S.T.D.

Proposal Defense:

6 December 2022 (Tuesday), 9:00-11:45am, Online via Zoom

Board of Examiners:
1. Fr. Jojo Fung, S.J., Ph.D. (Adviser)
2. Fr. Hartono Budi, S.J., Th.D.
3. Fr. Manuel Francisco, S.J., S.T.D.

Home » Academic Programs » Theses and Dissertations » Alphonse Kispotta, S.J. (India)