Home » Academic Programs » Theses and Dissertations » Rogel Anecito L. Abais, S.J. (Philippines)
"Collective Identity in Suffering: A Narrative Study of Exodus 1-18 with Sociological and Theological Considerations"

Rogel Anecito L. Abais, S.J. (Philippines)

Doctorate in Sacred Theology with field of specialization in Biblical Theology
Adviser: Fr. Jean-Pierre Sonnet SJ, SSL, PhD (Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Rome)


In Exodus 1-18, the Israelite experience of slavery, their liberation, and their struggle in the wilderness underlines the suffering that molds their religious and socio-cultural identity as a people. This study seeks to uncover from this rich narrative a new way of understanding suffering, collective worth of a people, and salvation. The narrative of Exodus 1-18, in fact, speaks to a modern Filipino society and gives meaning to its current societal problems. The study shows how Exodus 1-18 helps in establishing, at least, some points of departure in the Filipino’s search for identity. Expanding on this very particular concern and viewing the larger society, we aim to derive a reading of Exodus 1-18 which can contribute and help people in understanding their collective identity from sociological and theological perspectives.

Final Defense:

Date of Defense: 21 May 2021 (Friday) Time: 3:00 pm in Quezon City; 9:00 am in Rome and Madrid

Board of Examiners: Fr. Felipe Fruto Ramirez SJ, STD (Principal Examiner, Loyola School of Theology), Sr. Nuria Calduch-Benages, MHSFN, SSD (Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Rome) and Fr. Emeterio Chaparro Lillo, CMF, STL, PhD (Instituto Teologico de Vida Religiosa – Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)

Proposal Defense:

Home » Academic Programs » Theses and Dissertations » Rogel Anecito L. Abais, S.J. (Philippines)