"Ignatius of Loyola's Contemplatio ad Amorem in the Light of Thomas Berry and Brian Swimme's New Cosmology as Foundational forBiocentric Integral Conversion
Thomas Schwiedessen, M.A fr. (Germany)
Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.), with a field of concentration in Spirituality-Pastoral Psychology
Adviser: Dr. Ruben Habito, S.T.L., D. Litt. C.
Final Defense:
Date of Oral Defense: July 7, 2014
Board of Examiners: Fr. Jojo Fung, S.J., Ph.D. (Principal Examiner), Fr. Jose Quilongquilong, S.J., S.T.D.
Proposal Defense:
March 6, 2014 (Thursday), 9:30 am,Tipanan ni San Ignacio,Second Floor of LST
Board of Examiners: Fr. Jose V.C. Quilongquilong, S.J., Fr. Thomas O’Gorman, S.J.,S.T.D. and Ruben Habito,S.T.L.,Ph.D. (Adviser).