Cho Mingyung,MSC (Korea)
The purpose of this study is to understand the call of the MSC Sisters for a renewed heart for mission especially in the light of the Gospel of John 4:1-42. Many documents had come out soon after Vatican II highlighting the necessity of looking back to the charism of one’s own congregation for the purpose of renewal in order to live out the Gospel more meaningfully. Jesus Christ has revealed attitudes in John 4:1-42 which serve as norms for re-thinking our mission today: reconciliation by breaking through barriers and prejudices; experience of God’s love in trust; and communion or solidarity in mission.
Final Defense:
Board of Examiners: Fr. Hartono Budi, S.J., Th.D. (Principal Examiner), Fr. Ronald Bagley, C.J.M, D.Min., and Fr. Reginaldo Mananzan, S.J., J.C.D.
Proposal Defense:
Board of Examiners: Fr. Hartono Budi, S.J. Th.D., Fr. Reginaldo Mananzan, S.J., J.C.D., Fr. Renato Repole, S.J., S.T.D. (Adviser).