Home » Academic Programs » Theses and Dissertations » Elizabeth Tan Bee Lean, FMM (Malaysia)
"Reading Matthew's Temptation of Jesus (Mt. 4:1-11) in the Light of His Church's Exodus as a Response to Roman Imperialism"

Elizabeth Tan Bee Lean, FMM (Malaysia)

Master of Arts in Theological Studies, with a field of concentration in Biblical Theology
Adviser: Markus Locker, Ph.D.


The narrative of the temptations of Jesus appears in all three synoptic gospels. This biblical text has been studied and analyzed from various angles. This thesis sees Matthew’s temptations of Jesus (Mt 4:1-11) as allusion to the challenges experienced by the Matthean community in the Roman Empire. As a result, the temptations of Jesus are studied from a social science perspective, specifically from the lens of cultural anthropology. The aim of this thesis is to uncover the prevalent cultural values of the first century Mediterranean society in which Matthew’s community is inserted, and how these values challenge the daily lives of this emerging Christian community.

Final Defense:

Date of Oral Defense: January 14, 2015

Board of Examiners: Fr. Fernando Macalinao, S.J., S.T.D. (Principal Examiner), Sr. Ma. Anicia Co, R.V.M., S.T.D., Ph.D. and Fr. Herbert Schneider, S.J., S.T.D.

Proposal Defense:

October 3, 2013 (Thursday), 4:00 pm, Institute of Social Justice Advocacy, Third Floor of LST

Board of Examiners: Fr. Felipe Fruto Ramirez, S.J., S.T.D., ‚Fr. Fernando‚ Macalinao,S.J.,S.T.D., Markus Locker, Ph.D. (Adviser).

Home » Academic Programs » Theses and Dissertations » Elizabeth Tan Bee Lean, FMM (Malaysia)
Loyola School of Theology